Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Iraq Options Paper: March 8, 2002 Memo from Overseas and Defence Secretariat

Taken From

* Despite sanctions, Iraq continues to develop WMD,. although our intelligence is poor. Saddam has used WMD in the past and could do so again if his regime were threatened, though there is no greater threat now than in recent years that Saddam will use WMD; and
* Saddam’s brutal regime remains in power and destablises the Arab and wider Islamic world.
We have two options. We could toughen the existing containment policy. This would increase the pressure on Saddanm [sic]. It would not reintegrate Iraq into the international community.
The US administration has lot faith in containment and is now considering regime change. The end states could either be a Sunni strongman or a representative government.
Lets take the WMD saga. Who sold Saddam the WMD?

US Senate's committee in 1992 said in a report that Ronald Reagan and George Bush Snr, sold materials including anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs, germs similar to tuberculosis and pneumonia and botulism until 1992.

On top of that our UK gov sold Pralidoxine which can be reverse engineered to create nerve gas.

But there is a question??? Will chemicals last for all of until 2002?  I am no boffin. 

In March 1988 Saddam gasses 5000 souls in Kurdish Halabja. the trans-shipment of these did not stop.

This assistance, according to the report, included 'chemical warfare-agent precursors, chemical warfare-agent production facility plans and technical drawings, chemical warfare filling equipment, biological warfare-related materials, missile fabrication equipment and missile system guidance equipment'. 
 Read this for the whole article

* Saddam’s brutal regime remains in power and destablises the Arab and wider Islamic world.

Well we made Middle East  more stable after taking Saddam, Gadaffi etc etc etc etc ...ha ha.

Check this for a another view by Scott Ritter

Sunday, 11 October 2015

A stupid fella

So this not very nice man was out of prison for two weeks. He voluntarily asked the police to be tagged. Then he went to 8 properties and burgled them. Well you can guess the rest. Stupid bugger went inside for 2 years. On top of it he dragged around a mate , who was recognised by the Police, in a shop video. Doh! he went to prison for 3 years. Yes this is not a story, but really happened.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Bread n butter

I have been on the bread line in my life few times. But I always had a back up plan. I have never shop lifted ever.  I always worked until my back went on holiday, saying "I hate the weather in England". Hope it found a good place. No post cards. Doh.

I am watching a program about food Banks in Scotland. all the down and outs, who look like very able bodied, put the blame on come and sundry. Bloody foreigners init?

this is not heartbreaking but stupid moan moan moan people. Get a f.... life.