Friday 12 February 2010

Binyam Mohamed

Meanwhile, in November 2009, the US court obtained the relevant material, and having looked at it, accepted Mohamed's allegations as true. The US court said this: '[Mr Mohamed's] trauma lasted for 2 long years. During that time, he was physically and psychologically tortured. His genitals were mutilated. He was deprived of sleep and food. He was summarily transported from one foreign prison to another. Captors held him in stress positions for days at a time. He was forced to listen to piercingly loud music and the screams of other prisoners while locked in a pitch-black cell. All the while, he was forced to inculpate himself and others in various plots to imperil Americans. The Government does not dispute this evidence ... even though the identity of the individual interrogator changed (from nameless Pakistanis, to Moroccans, to Americans) ... there is no question that throughout his ordeal Binyam Mohamed was being held at the behest of the United States ...The court finds that [Mr Mohamed's] will was overborne by his lengthy prior torture, and therefore his confessions ... do not represent reliable evidence to detain petitioner'.

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