Now I have another point of view about the EU countries who are on the verge of economic collapse. US and EU are putting pressure on Iran with economic sanctions. But if Iran cuts of oil to Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Ireland there will be a problem. Well If you are interested in this please go to this article in Centre for reserch in Globalization. Hi ho otherwise keep on reading and I will write the gist of it in my own way.
Ok first of all Iran is, unlike Zionist Israel and some others, a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it has the right to acquire and develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. There is a question of how pure the uranium has to be, when required for peaceful purposes.
If you want to buy some 1000 µg/mL Uranium in 2% HNO3 18 month expiry date there are online traders to buy it Goto . This is no joke it is only $ 36 for 50 ml.
American neocons have moved the United States closer to war with Iran via a subtle change in the “red line” phrasing, inserting the word “capability” after the usual threats to take out an Iranian “nuclear weapon.” Now, Sen. Joe Lieberman is making the shift official, reports Robert Parry. Sen. Joe Lieberman is leading a group of nearly one-third of the U.S. Senate urging that the red line on war with Iran be shifted from building a nuclear weapon to the vague notion of Iran having the “capability” to build one. The neoconservative senator from Connecticut has introduced a “Sense of the Senate” resolution that would put the body on record as rejecting a situation that arguably already exists, in which Iran has the know-how to build a bomb even if it has no intention to do so.
The resolution tracks with the positions of hardline Israeli leaders, such as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and undercuts the position of President Barack Obama, whose administration has been exploring ways to negotiate an agreement with Iran, which insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only..........
.........A Neocon Comeback
Since the grim writing was on the wall about the Iraq outcome, American neocons have been looking for new ways to get their imperial agenda back on track, with Iran’s nuclear program just the latest opportunity.
So, Iranian efforts to negotiate confidence-building initiatives regarding its nuclear program, such as agreeing to a Turkish-Brazilian plan in 2010 to trade about half of Iran’s low-enriched uranium for radioactive isotopes needed for medical research, have been blocked by neocons in Congress and their allies in the Obama administration, with the support of key U.S. media outlets, like the Washington Post and New York Times.
The latest shift toward forcing a new war has centered on the insertion of the word “capability” after the words “nuclear weapons.” The Obama administration has indicated that it would consider an Iranian decision to build a nuclear bomb a “red line,” suggesting the possibility of a military strike at that point.
However, that threat isn’t making the neocons happy because the U.S. intelligence community is standing by its 2007 conclusion that Iran halted work on a nuclear bomb in 2003 and hasn’t resumed that effort. Israeli intelligence apparently has reached the same judgment. Both U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak have referenced this state-of-play in the intelligence assessments in recent public remarks, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern has reported.
I myself always believed that almost all the developed countries have a very strong Zionist lobby . Most of our law makers in UK have gone to Israel on free rides and been bent towards the Zionist way. Specially Foreign Secretary W Hague (little Hitler) who wants to go, wage war and subjugate various Middle Eastern counntries to UK industries.
Recent comments by U.S and Israeli military leaders indicate that the intelligence services of the two countries agree that Iran has not decided to build a nuclear bomb, a crack in the Western narrative that the U.S. press corps won’t accept, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern explainsSo now the goal post has been moved.
According to a BBC article about Iranian time lines; until June 2001, accusations against Iran was Terrorism, but in Sep 2001 it changed to aquiring nuclear weapons from Russia and China. Yes most probably after 11 of the 9 fiasco in US.
By sep 2002 Russia starts building a nuclear power station at Bushehr This causes almighty Iranbashing in US.
Dec 2002 US accuses Iran of building nuclear facilities in Natanz and Arak, which was inspected by IAEA in Feb-May 2003, and declared to be plants to provide fuel for future power plants.
By Dec 2003 Iran agrees to suspend its nuclear fuel production but IAEA has reported that Iran has produced Plutonium but admits they are not interested in making weapons. US do not trust either IAEA or Iran.
By March 2004 the pressure is on with sanctions.
Sep 2004 Iran starts enriching Uranium.
Jan 2005 Euro big 3 wants to talk trade with Iran but insists that Iran should permaanantly stop uranium enrichment.
June 2005 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad becomes president of Iran.
2005 July - The US concludes that President Ahmadinejad was a leader of the group behind the 1979 hostage crisis at its embassy in Tehran, but says it is unsure whether he took an active part in taking Americans prisoner.
2005 August-September - Tehran says it has resumed uranium conversion at its Isfahan plant and insists the programme is for peaceful purposes. The IAEA finds Iran in violation of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
April 2006 Iran announces it has successfully enriched uranium - prompting Ms Rice to demand "strong steps" by the UN. An IAEA report concludes Iran has not complied with a Security Council demand that it suspend uranium enrichment.
Jan 2007 Mr Bush the Stupid goes on about that Iran is sending Al Quaeda to Iraq without knowing that Iran is Shia and Al Quaeda is Sunni. Ahem.
Oct 2007 Gen Ptreas calls H K Qomi a member of the Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards. Hmmm pot calling..... ga ga ggoo. US steps up sanctions.
Dec 2007 Us intelligence (still got some) says Iran's nuclear program is peaceful, but Bush do not agree.
Well that is the most important bits. there were lots more in the article but hmmm its tireing and boring.
So now they are going to have a chat, Iran and the big 5 +1 very soon and IAEA is going in for further issues to be ratified and B Netanyahu (the top terrorist) is gonna give a speech nay a lecture, at the AIPAC. Lets see what all this means.
OK US a meer weekling after the rule of Bush the Stupid, is going around talking to Asian countries to support the sanctions. But Asian big boys India and China, not forgeting Russia which really is Asian, are telling US go away. Even Israel exploded some of their own bombs in places like India, on their own people to get Asia to agree. Na da. On top of that South Korea and Japan has refused to agree. Now as the dollar is getting weaker the oil prices will rise. Put the oil embargo on 5 Euro countries by Iran will make it go higher. The Asamaidjan must be praising the lord huh?