Friday 23 May 2008

How To Create A Religion

"Meekness and Humility Toward God"

"Luke 18:9-14
A Pharisee trusted in himself that he was righteous, prayed with himself, thanking God he was better than other people. Note the Pharisee's emphasis on self, exaltation of self, and his failure to see his sins.

The Publican pleaded for mercy admitting he was a sinner. Note the conclusion in v14 - One who exalts self will be abased, one who humbles self will be exalted! Humility is the opposite of self-exaltation and self-righteousness.

A preacher once preached a sermon on this story and afterward a man prayed, "Lord, we thank thee that we are not proud like that Pharisee"! He was doing the very thing he was saying he was not doing! We are all sinners. We have no right to look down on anyone as if we deserve salvation because we are so good, and they don't deserve it. We can be more righteous than the Pharisee, but only by humbling ourselves like the publican and calling on God to forgive us."

What is wrong with thinking that you are better than others; because you reallised it and others did not?

We all make 'mistakes'. But before we do the act which caused the 'mistakes' you did not know that what will happen? So you think it is god's will. Good.

But if it ended in a success; you praise the god? Good.

Do you do it all the time?

Hmmm.... Now you created a religion. You got a name for it? You can call it all yours.

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