Friday 4 July 2008

The Official SAT Question of the Day™

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Although Kareem’s contributions to the discussion initially seemed -------, they were not ------- and the committee eventually chose to disregard them.

A correct . . contradictory
B appropriate . . avoidable
C believable . . muddled
D promising . . relevant
E helpful . . inconclusive

Answer is D

Here's Why:

Choice (D) is correct. The term “Although” at the beginning of the sentence signals that how “Kareem’s contributions” initially seemed to the committee contrasts with the committee’s eventual decision to “disregard” them. The committee would likely disregard contributions to the discussion that were not “relevant,” even if the comments initially seemed “promising.”

Question Type: Sentence Completions

(Critical Reading

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