My list includes Irving Kristol, William Kristol, Seth Lipsky, Martin Peretz, Norman Podhoretz, John Podhoretz, Richard Perle, Richard Cohen, Mortimer Zuckerman, Alan Dershowitz, Jeffrey Goldberg, Lawrence Kaplan, Charles Krauthammer, David Horowitz, Jonah Goldberg, David Gelernter, Ruth Wisse, David Brooks and David Frum.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Al Quaeda
Afghanistan was infiltrated after the Soviet invasion. CIA was supporting opposition of the Afghani Gov which was pro Soviet from 3 July 1979 when Carter signed the first directive for the opponents of the pro-soviet regime and not as officials say in 24th Dec 1979. This made the soviets to invade.
Afghanistan was infiltrated after the Soviet invasion. CIA was supporting opposition of the Afghani Gov which was pro Soviet from 3 July 1979 when Carter signed the first directive for the opponents of the pro-soviet regime and not as officials say in 24th Dec 1979. This made the soviets to invade.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
For your convenience, I have simply listed below an expanded list of immense crimes in which Churchill was complicit as a racist soldier, politician, mass murderer and holocaust-denying writer – indeed he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his numerous published works, especially his six-edition set The Second World War in which he ignored his deliberate, remorseless murder of 6-7 million Indians in 1943-1945 [ I have provided estimates of violent and non-violent avoidable deaths in square brackets].
1. British Indian Holocaust (1.8 billion excess deaths, 1757-1947; 10 million killed in post-1857 Indian Mutiny reprisals; 1 million starved, 1895-1897 Indian Famine; 6-9 million starved, 1899-1900 Indian Famine; 6-7 million starved under Churchill, Bengali Holocaust 1943-1945].
2. Sudan atrocities [horrendous British atrocities after the Battle of Obdurman 1898].
3. Boer (Afrikaaner) Genocide [28,000 Afrikaaner women and children died in British concentration camps, 1899-1902].
4. World War 1 promotion [World War I Allied military and civilian dead 5.7 million and 3.7 million, respectively; German-allied (Central Powers) military and civilian deaths 4.0 million and 5.2 million; troop movement-exacerbated Spanish Flu Epidemic killed 20-100 million people world wide. 1918-1922].
5. WW1 Dardanelles Campaign in Turkey [0.2 million Allied and Turkish soldiers killed, 1915; precipitated 1915-1923 Turkish Armenian Genocide, 1.5 million Armenians killed].
6. UK and US invasion of Russia 1917-1919 [millions died in the Russian Civil War and the subsequent Russian Famine; 7 million died in the circa 1930 Ukrainian Famine; and perhaps up to 20 million died overall in Stalinist atrocities].
7. British suppression of the Arab revolt in Iraq (invaded by Britain in 1914) [bombing of Kurds, poison gas use (1920s); violent UK involvement on and off , 1914-2009; 1990-2008 Iraqi excess deaths 4 million; under-5 infant deaths 1.8 million; refugees currently 6 million].
8. Support for British Occupation and opposition to Indian self-determination [1757-1947 excess deaths, 1.8 billion; 1895-1897 famine deaths1 million; 1899-1900 Indian Famine, deaths6-9 million deaths; 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust deaths 6-7 million].
9. World War 2 promotion [World War 2 military deaths 25 million and civilian deaths about 67 million].
10. Promotion of Japan entry into World War 2 in order to involve the US and hence ensure victory [35 million Chinese avoidable deaths, 1937-1945; 6-7 million Indians starved, Bengal 1943-1945; millions more died in the WW2 Eastern Theatre].
11. Churchill knew Singapore was indefensible [8,000-15,000 killed, 130,000 captured in the 1941 Malaya campaign; 14,000 Australian, 16,000 British and 32,000 Indian troops surrendered in Singapore].
12. Churchill deliberately did not warn Americans about Pearl Harbor attack [Eastern Theatre WW2 deaths 45 million].
13. WW2 Bengal Holocaust, Bengal Famine [deliberate starving to death of of 6-7 million Indians; confessed by Churchill in a letter to Roosevelt].
14. Churchill rejected top scientific advice and supported bombing of German cities instead of protecting Atlantic convoys [0.16 million allied airmen killed; 0.6 million German civilians killed; Battle of the Atlantic almost lost; 7 million dead from famine in the Indian Ocean region related to halving of Allied shipping in 1943].
15. Churchill acknowledged the crucial importance of maintaining Hindu-Muslim antipathy to preserve British rule [1 million dead and 18 million Muslim and Hindu refugees associated with India-Pakistan Partition in 1947].
16. 1944 UK War Cabinet decision Partition of Palestine [in 1878, Jews were 5% of the Palestine population; in 1948 Jews were 1/3 of the population; there are now over 7 million Palestinian refugees; post-1967 Occupied Palestinian excess deaths 0.3 million, post-1967 under-5 infant deaths 0.2 million; excess deaths in countries partially or completely occupied by Apartheid Israel now total about 24 million; 4 million Occupied Palestinians are still illegally and abusively imprisoned by racist Zionists in their own country].
17. UK rejection of 1944 Brand plan to save Hungarian Jews [0.2-0.4 million killed by Nazis and Arrow Cross fascists out of 0.7 million; Zionists also opposed the Brand plan]
18. British, American, Zionist, Australian and European adoption of Churchill's holocaust commission and holocaust denying legacy, with post-war atrocities involving invasion, occupation, devastation and genocide [in relation to Occupiers (in parenthesis) 1950-2005 excess deaths in post-1945 occupied countries total 2 million (white Australia), 36 million (Belgium), 142 million (France), 24 million (Apartheid Israel), 0.7 million (Apartheid South Africa), 23 million (Portugal), 37 million (Russia), 9 million (Spain), 727 million (the UK) and 82 million (the US); 25 million Indigenous excess deaths in post-1950 US Asian Wars; 9-11 million excess deaths associated with 1990-2008 Bush Wars; post-invasion excess deaths in Occupied Iraq 2 million, refugees 6 million; post-invasion excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan 4-6 million, refugees 4 million].
“Genocide denial, No-penalty criminalization required now”
“Media lying over Churchill’s crimes. British-Indian Holocaust”
For your convenience, I have simply listed below an expanded list of immense crimes in which Churchill was complicit as a racist soldier, politician, mass murderer and holocaust-denying writer – indeed he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his numerous published works, especially his six-edition set The Second World War in which he ignored his deliberate, remorseless murder of 6-7 million Indians in 1943-1945 [ I have provided estimates of violent and non-violent avoidable deaths in square brackets].
1. British Indian Holocaust (1.8 billion excess deaths, 1757-1947; 10 million killed in post-1857 Indian Mutiny reprisals; 1 million starved, 1895-1897 Indian Famine; 6-9 million starved, 1899-1900 Indian Famine; 6-7 million starved under Churchill, Bengali Holocaust 1943-1945].
2. Sudan atrocities [horrendous British atrocities after the Battle of Obdurman 1898].
3. Boer (Afrikaaner) Genocide [28,000 Afrikaaner women and children died in British concentration camps, 1899-1902].
4. World War 1 promotion [World War I Allied military and civilian dead 5.7 million and 3.7 million, respectively; German-allied (Central Powers) military and civilian deaths 4.0 million and 5.2 million; troop movement-exacerbated Spanish Flu Epidemic killed 20-100 million people world wide. 1918-1922].
5. WW1 Dardanelles Campaign in Turkey [0.2 million Allied and Turkish soldiers killed, 1915; precipitated 1915-1923 Turkish Armenian Genocide, 1.5 million Armenians killed].
6. UK and US invasion of Russia 1917-1919 [millions died in the Russian Civil War and the subsequent Russian Famine; 7 million died in the circa 1930 Ukrainian Famine; and perhaps up to 20 million died overall in Stalinist atrocities].
7. British suppression of the Arab revolt in Iraq (invaded by Britain in 1914) [bombing of Kurds, poison gas use (1920s); violent UK involvement on and off , 1914-2009; 1990-2008 Iraqi excess deaths 4 million; under-5 infant deaths 1.8 million; refugees currently 6 million].
8. Support for British Occupation and opposition to Indian self-determination [1757-1947 excess deaths, 1.8 billion; 1895-1897 famine deaths1 million; 1899-1900 Indian Famine, deaths6-9 million deaths; 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust deaths 6-7 million].
9. World War 2 promotion [World War 2 military deaths 25 million and civilian deaths about 67 million].
10. Promotion of Japan entry into World War 2 in order to involve the US and hence ensure victory [35 million Chinese avoidable deaths, 1937-1945; 6-7 million Indians starved, Bengal 1943-1945; millions more died in the WW2 Eastern Theatre].
11. Churchill knew Singapore was indefensible [8,000-15,000 killed, 130,000 captured in the 1941 Malaya campaign; 14,000 Australian, 16,000 British and 32,000 Indian troops surrendered in Singapore].
12. Churchill deliberately did not warn Americans about Pearl Harbor attack [Eastern Theatre WW2 deaths 45 million].
13. WW2 Bengal Holocaust, Bengal Famine [deliberate starving to death of of 6-7 million Indians; confessed by Churchill in a letter to Roosevelt].
14. Churchill rejected top scientific advice and supported bombing of German cities instead of protecting Atlantic convoys [0.16 million allied airmen killed; 0.6 million German civilians killed; Battle of the Atlantic almost lost; 7 million dead from famine in the Indian Ocean region related to halving of Allied shipping in 1943].
15. Churchill acknowledged the crucial importance of maintaining Hindu-Muslim antipathy to preserve British rule [1 million dead and 18 million Muslim and Hindu refugees associated with India-Pakistan Partition in 1947].
16. 1944 UK War Cabinet decision Partition of Palestine [in 1878, Jews were 5% of the Palestine population; in 1948 Jews were 1/3 of the population; there are now over 7 million Palestinian refugees; post-1967 Occupied Palestinian excess deaths 0.3 million, post-1967 under-5 infant deaths 0.2 million; excess deaths in countries partially or completely occupied by Apartheid Israel now total about 24 million; 4 million Occupied Palestinians are still illegally and abusively imprisoned by racist Zionists in their own country].
17. UK rejection of 1944 Brand plan to save Hungarian Jews [0.2-0.4 million killed by Nazis and Arrow Cross fascists out of 0.7 million; Zionists also opposed the Brand plan]
18. British, American, Zionist, Australian and European adoption of Churchill's holocaust commission and holocaust denying legacy, with post-war atrocities involving invasion, occupation, devastation and genocide [in relation to Occupiers (in parenthesis) 1950-2005 excess deaths in post-1945 occupied countries total 2 million (white Australia), 36 million (Belgium), 142 million (France), 24 million (Apartheid Israel), 0.7 million (Apartheid South Africa), 23 million (Portugal), 37 million (Russia), 9 million (Spain), 727 million (the UK) and 82 million (the US); 25 million Indigenous excess deaths in post-1950 US Asian Wars; 9-11 million excess deaths associated with 1990-2008 Bush Wars; post-invasion excess deaths in Occupied Iraq 2 million, refugees 6 million; post-invasion excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan 4-6 million, refugees 4 million].
“Genocide denial, No-penalty criminalization required now”
“Media lying over Churchill’s crimes. British-Indian Holocaust”
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Riley Bechtel Saudi Royal Family
Bechtel is another engineering and construction giant acting in Iraq, and is sponsored mostly by the Bank of America and the Export-Import Bank. This company had and has strong ties with different US administrations – both republicans and democrats – and also with the Saudi Royal Family. Riley Bechtel, its main owner was appointed by G. W. Bush as his adviser.
Bechtel Riley Bechtel
Bechtel is another engineering and construction giant acting in Iraq, and is sponsored mostly by the Bank of America and the Export-Import Bank. This company had and has strong ties with different US administrations – both republicans and democrats – and also with the Saudi Royal Family. Riley Bechtel, its main owner was appointed by G. W. Bush as his adviser.
Bechtel Riley Bechtel
Bechtel is another engineering and construction giant acting in Iraq, and is sponsored mostly by the Bank of America and the Export-Import Bank. This company had and has strong ties with different US administrations – both republicans and democrats – and also with the Saudi Royal Family. Riley Bechtel, its main owner was appointed by G. W. Bush as his adviser.
Halliburton Saudi Royal Family SAMBA Shaukat Aziz
Closer to the war on Iraq, Halliburton (ranks 291) with an asset of $ 16.82 billion, is involved in oil and gas exploration-production and reconstruction of that country after occupation. Halliburton has strong ties to the Saudi Royal Family and is sponsored by JP Morgan Chase, HSBC Bank USA, Royal Bank of Scotland and Citigroup as its Administrative Agent. Citigroup managed Saudi-American Bank (SAMBA) until 2003, and covertly controls it after the invasion of Iraq. Current prime minister of Pakistan, Shaukat Aziz – appointed by General Musharraf – was the managing director of SAMBA in the 90s. Both rulers of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan collect profits from the war in Iraq.
Closer to the war on Iraq, Halliburton (ranks 291) with an asset of $ 16.82 billion, is involved in oil and gas exploration-production and reconstruction of that country after occupation. Halliburton has strong ties to the Saudi Royal Family and is sponsored by JP Morgan Chase, HSBC Bank USA, Royal Bank of Scotland and Citigroup as its Administrative Agent. Citigroup managed Saudi-American Bank (SAMBA) until 2003, and covertly controls it after the invasion of Iraq. Current prime minister of Pakistan, Shaukat Aziz – appointed by General Musharraf – was the managing director of SAMBA in the 90s. Both rulers of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan collect profits from the war in Iraq.
Lockheed Martin coup d’état in Chile
To take as an example, we read in the news that, Lockheed Martin – the main sponsor of 1973, coup d’état in Chile – was selected by the center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to continue providing support to the Agency Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response (ACOTPER). This is a single award, five years contract, with an estimated program value of $ 135 million.
To take as an example, we read in the news that, Lockheed Martin – the main sponsor of 1973, coup d’état in Chile – was selected by the center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to continue providing support to the Agency Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response (ACOTPER). This is a single award, five years contract, with an estimated program value of $ 135 million.
Finance-Military Complex
According to the Forbes Magazine’s ranking of 2007, the first five largest corporations of all times are not industrial but financial institutions such as:
Citigroup (U. S. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.9 trillion.
HSBC Holdings (U.K. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.6 trillion.
Bank of America (U.S. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.46 trillion.
GP Morgan Chase (U.S. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.36 trillion.
American International Group, AIG (U.S. giant mortgage lender), with approximate assets of $ 980 billion.
And due to the same source, the big five arm making companies are:
Boeing, with approximate assets of $ 52 billion.
Northrop Grumman, with approximate assets of $ 32 billion.
Lockheed Martin, with approximate assets of $ 28.2 billion.
Raytheon, with approximate assets of $25.2 billion.
General Dynamics, with approximate assets of $ 22.3 billion.
As we see the first five largest financial corporations are in average 40 times bigger than the first big five arm making companies.
..................The largest of all arm making companies Boeing, not only makes airplanes, military aircrafts, defence missile systems, space and communication services, but thanks to its sponsoring banks is able to provide customer and commercial financing too. More than 30 banks in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region gave their services to Boeing.
Northrop Grumman, which is a global defence and technology corporation, is financed by the Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank (ranks 27), Credit Suisse First Boston (ranks 31), Lehman Bros Holding (ranks 83) and others.
Lockheed Martin, thanks to its more influential governmental connections, is the world’s number one defence contractor, makes F-16 and other kinds of fighter jets, Patriot missiles, satellites and an array of governments systems. One of the guarantors and collateral agents of Lockheed Martin is, JP Morgan Chase which provides security or guarantee of its assets throughout the world.
Raytheon Company, another global arm manufacturer is mostly helped by the Citigroup, Bank of America, Credit Suisse First Boston, and JP Morgan Chase.
General Dynamics, which makes Stryker combat vehicles, Abrams tanks and recently MRAPs (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) armoured vehicles, gets its services mostly from the Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase.
The average price of different fighter jets in the market is about $ 80 million. For instance the price of an F-35 (JSF) made by Lockheed Martin is about $ 50 million. The price of a Stryker combat vehicle is about $ 2 million. The price of an Abrams tank is about $ 4.3 million. The price of a MRAP is about $2 million and finally the price of a Patriot missile is about $ 2 million.
That is why for instance, Lockheed Martin, “Reports a greater than expected 34 percent rise in second-quarter profit, helped by higher revenue from its combat aircrafts and electronic systems units and lower pension plan.” (July, 24, 2007, International Business Times.) Full year revenue on average will be $ 41.1 billion, thanks to the wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and tension in the world. And as Washington Post wrote about another arm making company, the “General Dynamics finds profit on the battle fields.” (July 20, 2006)
According to the Forbes Magazine’s ranking of 2007, the first five largest corporations of all times are not industrial but financial institutions such as:
Citigroup (U. S. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.9 trillion.
HSBC Holdings (U.K. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.6 trillion.
Bank of America (U.S. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.46 trillion.
GP Morgan Chase (U.S. bank), with approximate assets of $ 1.36 trillion.
American International Group, AIG (U.S. giant mortgage lender), with approximate assets of $ 980 billion.
And due to the same source, the big five arm making companies are:
Boeing, with approximate assets of $ 52 billion.
Northrop Grumman, with approximate assets of $ 32 billion.
Lockheed Martin, with approximate assets of $ 28.2 billion.
Raytheon, with approximate assets of $25.2 billion.
General Dynamics, with approximate assets of $ 22.3 billion.
As we see the first five largest financial corporations are in average 40 times bigger than the first big five arm making companies.
..................The largest of all arm making companies Boeing, not only makes airplanes, military aircrafts, defence missile systems, space and communication services, but thanks to its sponsoring banks is able to provide customer and commercial financing too. More than 30 banks in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region gave their services to Boeing.
Northrop Grumman, which is a global defence and technology corporation, is financed by the Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank (ranks 27), Credit Suisse First Boston (ranks 31), Lehman Bros Holding (ranks 83) and others.
Lockheed Martin, thanks to its more influential governmental connections, is the world’s number one defence contractor, makes F-16 and other kinds of fighter jets, Patriot missiles, satellites and an array of governments systems. One of the guarantors and collateral agents of Lockheed Martin is, JP Morgan Chase which provides security or guarantee of its assets throughout the world.
Raytheon Company, another global arm manufacturer is mostly helped by the Citigroup, Bank of America, Credit Suisse First Boston, and JP Morgan Chase.
General Dynamics, which makes Stryker combat vehicles, Abrams tanks and recently MRAPs (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) armoured vehicles, gets its services mostly from the Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase.
The average price of different fighter jets in the market is about $ 80 million. For instance the price of an F-35 (JSF) made by Lockheed Martin is about $ 50 million. The price of a Stryker combat vehicle is about $ 2 million. The price of an Abrams tank is about $ 4.3 million. The price of a MRAP is about $2 million and finally the price of a Patriot missile is about $ 2 million.
That is why for instance, Lockheed Martin, “Reports a greater than expected 34 percent rise in second-quarter profit, helped by higher revenue from its combat aircrafts and electronic systems units and lower pension plan.” (July, 24, 2007, International Business Times.) Full year revenue on average will be $ 41.1 billion, thanks to the wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and tension in the world. And as Washington Post wrote about another arm making company, the “General Dynamics finds profit on the battle fields.” (July 20, 2006)
Justifying War Crimes
Jon Snow, channel 4 interviews Mr Mark Regev, the Israeli government spokesperson. This about weapons used in civilian areas that contravene Customary International Humanitarian Law.
Broadcast January 22, 2009
Broadcast January 22, 2009
Friday, 23 January 2009
Black Hole of British History
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History - updated 2008 Second Edition
Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability.
Revised and updated 2008 Second Edition with Preface, Epilogue, 1998-2008 updating chapter postscripts and a comprehensive Index, including a Jane Austen works and connections Index.
by Gideon Maxwell Polya
Preamble, including Preface to revised and expanded Second Edition [ i ]
1. Introduction - truth, reason, science and history [ 1 ]
2. The editing of Jane Austen’s maternal connections - the Leighs and Brydges [ 8 ]
3. The editing of the Austens and consequences of rustic amusement [ 18 ]
4. Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants [ 27 ]
5. The editing of Jane Austen’s life [ 33 ]
6. The rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels [ 42 ]
7. The sensibility of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries [ 56 ]
8. The judgement of Jane Austen’s peers and successors [ 66 ]
9. The East India Company, the Black Hole and the conquest of Bengal [ 75 ]
10. The Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 [ 88 ]
11. Warren Hastings and the conquest of India [ 99 ]
12. The impeachment of Warren Hastings and the judgement of history [ 106 ]
13. Colonial famine, genocide and ethnocide [ 114 ]
14. The Bengal Famine of 1943-1944 [ 133 ]
15. Pride and Prejudice - Churchill, Science, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust [ 148]
16. Global warming and the unthinkable world of 2050 [ 166 ]
17. Antipodean epilogue - the moral dimension of the Lucky Country and the world [ 174 ]
Notes [ 202 ]
Bibliography [ 233 ]
Index [ 263 ]
For further details of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” contact Dr Gideon Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Victoria, 3085, Australia.
Repetition of immense crimes against humanity such as the World War 2 Holocaust is made less likely when the responsible society acknowledges the crime, apologizes, makes amends and accepts the injunction “Never again”.
This book is concerned in part with the 2 century holocaust in British India that commenced with the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 (10 million victims), concluded with the World War 2 Bengal Famine (4 million victims) and took tens of millions of lives in between.
However these events have been almost completely written out of history and removed from general perception, there has been no apology nor amends made and indeed it is generally accepted that, in the absence of effective global action, these horrors will be repeated on an unimaginably larger scale in the coming century.
This carefully documented “J’accuse” addresses what the author terms the “Austenizing” of history or the deletion of awful realities from historical writing.
While it was legitimate for Jane Austen, the artist, to render her exquisite novels free of the contemporary awfulness in which her connections participated, the Austenizing of British history is a holocaust-denying outrage that threatens humanity.
Chapter 1: History ignored yields history repeated; the victor writes history; historians like scientists must respect the basic data; the “Austenizing” of British history or the deletion of awful or embarrassing realities from British historiography (most notably the effective deletion of 2 centuries of horrendous famines in British India culminating in the “forgotten holocaust” of World War 2 Bengal); the British Anglo-Celtic Christian, Austro-Hungarian Jewish and Bihari-Bengali Hindu-Muslim antecedents of the author’s children; the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” applied to the “forgotten holocausts” of British India and the looming spectre of mass starvation in the coming century.
Chapter 2: The Austenizing of the maternal connections of Jane Austen; James Brydges and wealth from colonialism and imperialist wars; Indian connections and the theft charge against Jane Austen’s aunt Jane Leigh-Perrot.
Chapter 3: The Austenizing of the paternal connections of Jane Austen; the productive adultery of Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India, with Jane Austen’s aunt Philadelphia Hancock; transplanting Jane Austen country to Tasmania and consequent ecocide and genocide.
Chapter 4: The Austenizing of Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants; recurrent consanguinity; the British imperial and Indian involvements of Jane Austen’s family.
Chapter 5: Jane Austen’s life; remarkable differential reportage of Jane Austen’s life and connections.
Chapter 6: The exclusion of any awfulness and the rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels; succinct synopses and social content analysis of Jane Austen’s major works; recurrent consanguinity; Sense and Sensibility an Indian-connected novel that barely disguises the affair of Warren Hastings with Jane Austen’s aunt in Bengal; a powerful message from Jane Austen’s exquisite writing - “No matter what our place in the world, we are all empowered by the dignified, intelligent and articulate use of words”.
Chapter 7: The sensitivity of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries to domestic and colonial abuses of humanity; George Crabbe, Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, Robert Burns, Samuel Johnson, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Byron and Lord Teignmouth; limited British literary responses to the invasion and oppression of India and the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770.
Chapter 8: Literary criticism of Jane Austen; Jane Austen and the feminist perspective; the Jane Austen industry; Jane Austen and British imperialists; Jane Austen’s artistically legitimate exclusion of awfulness from her exquisite novels has been quite illegitimately taken by 2 centuries of British historians as a paradigm for the Austenizing or comprehensive white-washing of British history.
Chapter 9: The East India Company; the Black Hole of Calcutta story as grossly exaggerated, historically dubious, Imperial mythology - a Big Lie of British History that demonized Indians and helped to justify 2 centuries of oppression and famine; Siraj-ud-daulah, Clive and the conquest of Bengal.
Chapter 10: The genesis, course and extended aftermath of the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770; 10 million victims; a rich country rendered desolate as observed by Jane Austen’s connections; rapacious taxation and mass human starvation; effective deletion of the Great Bengal Famine from British history.
Chapter 11: Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India and actual father of Jane Austen’s cousin and sister-in-law Eliza De Feuillade (née Hancock); rapacious taxation of famine-devastated Bengal; the Rohilla War, the judicial murder of Nandkumar, conflict with Mysore, Hyderabad and the Marathas, the robbing of the Begums of Oudh and the devastation of Oudh by war, taxation and consequent famine; Hastings’ duel with his foe Philip Francis (that resurfaces in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility).
Chapter 12: The impeachment and trial of Warren Hastings by the British Parliament - Britain’s only equivalent of a major war crimes trial over the abuses of British imperialism; Sheridan’s great speeches; the acquittal of Hastings; the judgement of history and the Austenizing of British imperial crimes.
Chapter 13: 2 centuries of appalling, recurrent famine in British India from 1769 to 1945; comparison of recurrent famine under the British in dry Rajasthan and lush Bengal; British colonial slavery, oppression, famine, genocide and ethnocide in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Oceania, Australia and indeed in Britain and Ireland; the crimes of other imperialist powers; Charles Trevelyan and famine in Ireland and India; the genocide of the Tasmanian aborigines.
Chapter 14: The genesis, war-time context and appalling actuality of the Bengal Famine of 1943-1944; loss of rice from Burma, catastrophic war-time decrease in Indian food imports, food exports, temporary seizure of rice stocks, seizure and destruction of boats, Indian provincial food supply autonomy, no famine declaration, hoarding, British unresponsiveness, drastic cuts to Indian Ocean shipping, catastrophic rice price rises leading to mass starvation; British Military Labour Corps and civilian sexual exploitation of famine victims including children; Wavell, Mountbatten and Casey and final responses to the famine; the 1943-1946 excess mortality of about 4 million Bengalis due to famine and attendant disease; the documenting of the famine and the effective deletion of the famine from history and from general public perception.
Chapter 15: Churchill, World War 2, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust; Churchill’s life and his hatred for Indians; Churchill and British air defence, knowledge of the indefensibility of Singapore, Japanese entry into the War and fore-knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor; Churchill, Lindeman, the importance of proper scientific advice to government, the air war in Europe, the Battle of the Atlantic, the shipping crisis and famine in India; famine as a strategic weapon to control restless subjects; Muslim containment, the Middle East, oil, the refusal to allow Jewish escape from Europe, the Jewish Holocaust and the forgotten, substantially Muslim Holocaust of Bengal; Churchill’s contribution to Muslim-Hindu antipathy as his final legacy to India; the effective deletion of the Bengal Famine from history and general public perception.
Chapter 16: Global warming and sea level, human health and tropical versus temperate agricultural productivity consequences; population growth, global agricultural sustainability and the growing discrepancy between population and food supply; the crisis in biological sustainability.
Chapter 17: Unresponsiveness of the world to the World War 2 Jewish Holocaust and to the “forgotten holocaust” of the Bengal Famine; examination of liberal, democratic, highly-educated and prosperous Australia (the Lucky Country) by way of assessment of the likelihood of timely global response to the impending environmental, population and sustainable food production crisis of the coming century; pre-invasion aboriginal Australia, invasion and genocide, racism of White Australia, the apogee of social decency in Australia and the current resurgent racism towards aboriginals and Asians; genocide, ethnocide, ecocide and terracide in Australia and unresponsiveness to the global crisis; a recent experimental test of the moral responsiveness of prosperous, liberal, democratic Australia - the war-time Bengal Famine (accounting for about 90% of World War 2 British Empire military plus civilian casualties) continues to be effectively ignored and thus removed from public perception by the ostensibly liberal political, media, academic and intellectual Establishment of Australia (and of Britain); how we can prevent the looming disaster - peri-conception, male sex selection as an example of a humane, non-invasive, pro-choice mechanism to reduce population (empirical evidence being provided by Fiji, a very tolerant and peaceful multi-racial society that developed from an initially large male over female imbalance among the Indian “indentured slaves”); further civilized contributions include the childless, culturally-absorbed Jane Austen option, tolerance of homosexuality and profound sympathy for the richness of the world as exhibited by Third World small-holder and aboriginal societies.
The world is facing a crisis in biological sustainability due to the connected problems of excessive and increasing population, profligate use of resources and remorseless environmental degradation. Near-comprehensive holocaust denial in our culture in relation to several centuries of recurrent, horrendous famines in British India has blunted our responsiveness to such man-made catastrophes and continues to contribute to the global failure to face up to avoidable mass starvation in the coming century. The world must resolutely apply the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” to these past events and take incisive steps to avoid repetition in the future.
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History (2nd Edition) is a carefully researched updated 2008 Second Edition of the original 1998 First Edition that includes some minor corrections, a substantial Preface (that details "history ignored and history repeated" atrocities of the Bush Wars and worseniing Climate Change in the period 1998-2008) and a final Epilogue that summarizes the Climate Emergency facing an Anglo-American-dominated world that continues to "look the other way" in relation to anthropogenic climate change and the continuing carnage from continuing Anglo-American holocaust commission, holocuast denial, genoicde commission and genocide denial. The book has at its core the scientific risk assessment that “History ignored yields history repeated”. The book uses the life, works and connections of the wonderful Jane Austen as a vehicle for exploring the extraordinary crimes of British Imperialism and of academic British historiography that continue unabated into the 21st century.
2 centuries of British “opinion makers” have perverted the wonderful, if sociologically confined, writing of Jane Austen by using it as a paradigm for British Imperial nobility. There has been a whitewashing (or “Austenizing”) of horrendous British Imperial crimes that continues to this day.
Thus most people would be utterly unaware of the following atrocities involving Great Britain: the Great Bengal Famine (1769-1770, 10 million victims), the man-made World War 2 Bengal Famine (.1943-1945, 6-7 million victims) and the real 9-11 atrocity, the 9-11 million avoidable deaths associated (so far) with the Bush Wars (1990-2008) – all examples of horrendous realities that continue to be air-brushed from public perception by lying, politically correct racist (PC racist) Mainstream media, politicians and academics.
Yet Jane Austen, who confined her brilliant writing to the rarefied world of the English upper class, was insistently truthful. As revealed in “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, Jane Austen’s novel “Sense and Sensibility” actually tells (in part) the scandalous true story of the first and only major British figure to have been arraigned for war crimes - Warren Hastings, friend of the Austens, first Governor General of British India and the out-of-wedlock father of Jane Austen’s cousin Eliza Hancock (through his Bengal adultery with Reverend George Austen's sister Mrs Philadelphia Hancock) , the real-life model for Mary Crawford in “Mansfield Park”.
In his 2005 Literature Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Harold Pinter demanded the arraignment of Bush and Blair for war crimes in Iraq, echoing impassioned and successful calls by Sheridan and Burke 2 centuries ago for the trial of Jane Austen connection Warren Hastings for Crimes against Humanity.
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History (2nd Edition) has a central message that “history ignored yields history repeated”, that ignoring, denying, and “looking the other way” simply short-circuits sensible risk management and acutely threaten Humanity. Indeed the 2008 Second Edition has been updated to show that my fears in 1998 about further horrendous avoidable death from War, Occupation, Global Warming and Lying have been horribly realized in the 9-11 million avoidable deaths from the Bush Wars, the 16 million annual avoidable deaths from deprivation and the dire prediction of Dr James Lovelock FRS that over 6 billion people will perish this century from unaddressed man-made Climate Change.
While it was legitimate for Jane Austen, the brilliant writer, to confine her Art and render her exquisite novels free of the contemporary awfulness in which her connections participated, the “Austenizing” of British history is a holocaust-denying outrage that threatens humanity.
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History (2nd Edition) is exhaustively referenced and indexed. It is a fabulous reference work for Jane Austen fans, high school and university students, historians, journalists, academics and lay persons. In addition to the serious message outlined above, the book:
1. details the life, forebears, family, connections, literary contemporaries and critics of Jane Austen and summarizes and analyses all of Jane Austen’s completed and unfinished novels;
2. details and documents the history of British and European imperialism, colonialism and genocide in India and elsewhere (notably Australia);
3. exposes the extraordinary “Austenizing” of history that is continuing today;
4. details 1998 fears about Global Warming that are now being realized in 2008; and
5. provides a Comprehensive Index including a Jane Austen Works, Characters and Connections Index.
The 2008 edition concludes with reference to my recent book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007).
“In “Body Count” as in Chapter 17 above, I offered a variety of simple, cheap solutions based on wonderful examples of some very poor countries such as Cuba which have achieved remarkable success in addressing the fundamental human right of “right to life” through high female literacy, good governance, focussed investment and good primary health care. The same intelligent and humane approaches can effectively deal with the problems of excessive population and demands that have pushed the biosphere to a point of Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency. 182 Indeed 10,000 times more solar energy hits the earth each day than man currently uses and we already have highly efficient renewable energy technologies for cheaply and safely harvesting this resource. 183
Fundamental to any rational risk management – as urgently needed today for Spaceship Earth - is accurate data and general reportage. Further, just as we take the advice of top medical specialists very seriously in relation to life-threatening conditions, so sensible risk management demands that we take very seriously the advice of top scientists at the cutting edge of research and the advice of top scientific bodies. Thus the Melbourne-based Yarra Valley Climate Action Group and the Australian climate action group umbrella organization, the Climate Emergency Network, have provided detailed and documented summations of such information from top scientists and top scientific organizations in relation to the Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency facing the World. 184 The continuing, entrenched lying in mainstream cultures acutely threatens humanity. History ignored yields history repeated. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please inform everyone you can.”
For further details of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” contact Dr Gideon Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Victoria, 3085, Australia
The following links of relevance to Science, Art, Truth, Beauty and Saving the World may also be useful:
Polya, G.M. (1998), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” (First Edition, G.M. Polya, Melbourne: ).
Polya, G.M. (2003), “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds. A pharmacological reference guide to sites of action and biological effects” (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003: ) [read the numerous, succinctly presented historical and literary “snippets” inserted throughout this huge scientific text].
Polya, G.M. (2007), “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne: and ).
Polya, G.M. (2007), “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007; see: ).
Polya, G.M. (2008), “Science & Art versus Nuclear, Greenhouse & Poverty Threats”: .
Yarra Valley Climate Action Group: .
Climate Emergency Network: .
Gideon Polya Blogspot blogs:
Gideon Polya writings on Media with Conscience News (MWC News): .
Gideon Polya writings on Newsvine: .
Gideon Polya writings on Sulekha: .
My words and those of other anti-racist, humanitarian advocates have evidently failed – the Bush Wars have now brought Anglo invasion and killing to Pakistani Waziristan, the Northwest Frontier of the former British Raj in South Asia, for the first time since 1947; the Arctic sea ice in 2007-2008 is at its lowest extent on record (see the official US National Snow and Ice Data Center, NSIDC: ); according to UNICEF (see: ) 327,000 Afghan under-5 year old infants die each year in US-, UK-, NATO- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan (population 26 million) as compared to 2,000 in Occupier Australia (population 21 million) and according to the World Health Organization (WHO: ) the Occupiers only permit a “total annual per capita medical expenditure” of $26 in Occupied Afghanistan (as compared to about $3,000 in Australia and $6,400 in the US); and the Mainstream media continue to ignore the real extent of the 9-11 atrocity – the 9-11 million avoidable deaths (mostly of women and children) in the Bush Wars (1990-2008) (see “9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: Millions Dead in Bush Wars”: ).
Because my words have evidently failed I am also trying to spread a message of Peace through Art, “saying it in pictures”.
For your pleasure here are links to some of my HUGE (circa 1.3 metres x 2.9 metres) Paintings for Peace and the Planet (I am very happy for these images to be reproduced in the interests of Humanity; please forward them to all your associates!) : Clean Energy World: , My Country: , Four Seasons: , Bundoora Eucalyptus: , Deep Mind: and Genes and Memes: (both of these relating to Mind and Humanism), Apocalypse Now : , Jerusalem Madonna (Muslim, Renaissance Italian, Byzantine Orthodox, aboriginal, abstract expressionist fusion): , Manhattan Madonna ( a memorial for 9/11) : , Rosanna Madonna: , Scheherazade (for Women's Rights) : / , Sydney Madonna (for Mother and Child and Indigenous Rights) : , Truelove: , Melbourne Madonna: , Qana (inspired by Pablo Picasso's anti-war masterpiece "Guernica"): , Isfahan Matisse: , Alhambra Pollock: , Terra: and Bundoora Arabesque: .
For further details of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” contact Dr Gideon Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Victoria, 3085, Australia (e-mail: ).
Labels: austen, bangladesh, bengal, britain, india
posted by Dr Gideon Polya @ 2:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History
Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability
by Gideon Maxwell Polya
1. Introduction - truth, reason, science and history [ 1 ]
2. The editing of Jane Austen’s connections - the Leighs and Brydges [ 8 ]
3. The editing of the Austens and consequences of rustic amusement [ 18 ]
4. Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants [ 27 ]
5. The editing of Jane Austen’s life [ 33 ]
6. The rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels [ 42 ]
7. The sensibility of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries [ 56 ]
8. The judgement of Jane Austen’s peers and successors [ 66 ]
9. The East India Company, the Black Hole and the conquest of Bengal [ 75 ]
10. The Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 [ 88 ]
11. Warren Hastings and the conquest of India [ 99 ]
12. The impeachment of Warren Hastings and the judgement of history [ 106 ]
13. Colonial famine, genocide and ethnocide [ 114 ]
14. The Bengal Famine of 1943-1944 [ 133 ]
15. Pride and Prejudice - Churchill, Science, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust [ 148]
16. Global warming and the unthinkable world of 2050 [ 166 ]
17. Antipodean epilogue - the moral dimension of the Lucky Country and the world [ 174 ]
Notes [ 199 ]
Bibliography [ 227 ]
Index [ 252 ]
Dr. Gideon Polya was an Associate Professor in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, 3086, Australia. The author of over 100 scientific publications, Dr. Polya is presently a Melbourne-based researcher, writer and lecturer. The views expressed in the book are those of the author, Dr. G.M. Polya. This first edition of the book (ISBN 0-646-35580-5) was published in May 1998 by G.M. Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Melbourne, Victoria, 3085, Australia. It is out of print but copies are to be found in some major libraries. A second edition is envisaged.
Repetition of immense crimes against humanity such as the World War 2 Holocaust is made less likely when the responsible society acknowledges the crime, apologizes, makes amends and accepts the injunction “Never again”.
This book is concerned in part with the 2 century holocaust in British India that commenced with the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 (10 million victims), concluded with the World War 2 Bengal Famine (4 million victims) and took tens of millions of lives in between.
However these events have been almost completely written out of history and removed from general perception, there has been no apology nor amends made and indeed it is generally accepted that, in the absence of effective global action, these horrors will be repeated on an unimaginably larger scale in the coming century.
This carefully documented “J’accuse” addresses what the author terms the “Austenizing” of history or the deletion of awful realities from historical writing.
While it was legitimate for Jane Austen, the artist, to render her exquisite novels free of the contemporary awfulness in which her connections participated, the Austenizing of British history is a holocaust-denying outrage that threatens humanity.
Chapter 1: History ignored yields history repeated; the victor writes history; historians like scientists must respect the basic data; the “Austenizing” of British history or the deletion of awful or embarrassing realities from British historiography (most notably the effective deletion of 2 centuries of horrendous famines in British India culminating in the “forgotten holocaust” of World War 2 Bengal); the British Anglo-Celtic Christian, Austro-Hungarian Jewish and Bihari-Bengali Hindu-Muslim antecedents of the author’s children; the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” applied to the “forgotten holocausts” of British India and the looming spectre of mass starvation in the coming century.
Chapter 2: The Austenizing of the maternal connections of Jane Austen; James Brydges and wealth from colonialism and imperialist wars; Indian connections and the theft charge against Jane Austen’s aunt Jane Leigh-Perrot.
Chapter 3: The Austenizing of the paternal connections of Jane Austen; the productive adultery of Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India, with Jane Austen’s aunt Philadelphia Hancock; transplanting Jane Austen country to Tasmania and consequent ecocide and genocide.
Chapter 4: The Austenizing of Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants; recurrent consanguinity; the British imperial and Indian involvements of Jane Austen’s family.
Chapter 5: Jane Austen’s life; remarkable differential reportage of Jane Austen’s life and connections.
Chapter 6: The exclusion of any awfulness and the rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels; succinct synopses and social content analysis of Jane Austen’s major works; recurrent consanguinity; Sense and Sensibility an Indian-connected novel that barely disguises the affair of Warren Hastings with Jane Austen’s aunt in Bengal; a powerful message from Jane Austen’s exquisite writing - “No matter what our place in the world, we are all empowered by the dignified, intelligent and articulate use of words”.
Chapter 7: The sensitivity of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries to domestic and colonial abuses of humanity; George Crabbe, Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, Robert Burns, Samuel Johnson, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Byron and Lord Teignmouth; limited British literary responses to the invasion and oppression of India and the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770.
Chapter 8: Literary criticism of Jane Austen; Jane Austen and the feminist perspective; the Jane Austen industry; Jane Austen and British imperialists; Jane Austen’s artistically legitimate exclusion of awfulness from her exquisite novels has been quite illegitimately taken by 2 centuries of British historians as a paradigm for the Austenizing or comprehensive white-washing of British history.
Chapter 9: The East India Company; the Black Hole of Calcutta story as grossly exaggerated, historically dubious, Imperial mythology - a Big Lie of British History that demonized Indians and helped to justify 2 centuries of oppression and famine; Siraj-ud-daulah, Clive and the conquest of Bengal.
Chapter 10: The genesis, course and extended aftermath of the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770; 10 million victims; a rich country rendered desolate as observed by Jane Austen’s connections; rapacious taxation and mass human starvation; effective deletion of the Great Bengal Famine from British history.
Chapter 11: Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India and actual father of Jane Austen’s cousin and sister-in-law Eliza De Feuillade (née Hancock); rapacious taxation of famine-devastated Bengal; the Rohilla War, the judicial murder of Nandkumar, conflict with Mysore, Hyderabad and the Marathas, the robbing of the Begums of Oudh and the devastation of Oudh by war, taxation and consequent famine; Hastings’ duel with his foe Philip Francis (that resurfaces in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility).
Chapter 12: The impeachment and trial of Warren Hastings by the British Parliament - Britain’s only equivalent of a major war crimes trial over the abuses of British imperialism; Sheridan’s great speeches; the acquittal of Hastings; the judgement of history and the Austenizing of British imperial crimes.
Chapter 13: 2 centuries of appalling, recurrent famine in British India from 1769 to 1945; comparison of recurrent famine under the British in dry Rajasthan and lush Bengal; British colonial slavery, oppression, famine, genocide and ethnocide in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Oceania, Australia and indeed in Britain and Ireland; the crimes of other imperialist powers; Charles Trevelyan and famine in Ireland and India; the genocide of the Tasmanian aborigines.
Chapter 14: The genesis, war-time context and appalling actuality of the Bengal Famine of 1943-1944; loss of rice from Burma, catastrophic war-time decrease in Indian food imports, food exports, temporary seizure of rice stocks, seizure and destruction of boats, Indian provincial food supply autonomy, no famine declaration, hoarding, British unresponsiveness, drastic cuts to Indian Ocean shipping, catastrophic rice price rises leading to mass starvation; British Military Labour Corps and civilian sexual exploitation of famine victims including children; Wavell, Mountbatten and Casey and final responses to the famine; the 1943-1946 excess mortality of about 4 million Bengalis due to famine and attendant disease; the documenting of the famine and the effective deletion of the famine from history and from general public perception.
Chapter 15: Churchill, World War 2, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust; Churchill’s life and his hatred for Indians; Churchill and British air defence, knowledge of the indefensibility of Singapore, Japanese entry into the War and fore-knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor; Churchill, Lindeman, the importance of proper scientific advice to government, the air war in Europe, the Battle of the Atlantic, the shipping crisis and famine in India; famine as a strategic weapon to control restless subjects; Muslim containment, the Middle East, oil, the refusal to allow Jewish escape from Europe, the Jewish Holocaust and the forgotten, substantially Muslim Holocaust of Bengal; Churchill’s contribution to Muslim-Hindu antipathy as his final legacy to India; the effective deletion of the Bengal Famine from history and general public perception.
Chapter 16: Global warming and sea level, human health and tropical versus temperate agricultural productivity consequences; population growth, global agricultural sustainability and the growing discrepancy between population and food supply; the crisis in biological sustainability.
Chapter 17: Unresponsiveness of the world to the World War 2 Jewish Holocaust and to the “forgotten holocaust” of the Bengal Famine; examination of liberal, democratic, highly-educated and prosperous Australia (the Lucky Country) by way of assessment of the likelihood of timely global response to the impending environmental, population and sustainable food production crisis of the coming century; pre-invasion aboriginal Australia, invasion and genocide, racism of White Australia, the apogee of social decency in Australia and the current resurgent racism towards aboriginals and Asians; genocide, ethnocide, ecocide and terracide in Australia and unresponsiveness to the global crisis; a recent experimental test of the moral responsiveness of prosperous, liberal, democratic Australia - the war-time Bengal Famine (accounting for about 90% of World War 2 British Empire military plus civilian casualties) continues to be effectively ignored and thus removed from public perception by the ostensibly liberal political, media, academic and intellectual Establishment of Australia (and of Britain); how we can prevent the looming disaster - peri-conception, male sex selection as an example of a humane, non-invasive, pro-choice mechanism to reduce population (empirical evidence being provided by Fiji, a very tolerant and peaceful multi-racial society that developed from an initially large male over female imbalance among the Indian “indentured slaves”); further civilized contributions include the childless, culturally-absorbed Jane Austen option, tolerance of homosexuality and profound sympathy for the richness of the world as exhibited by Third World small-holder and aboriginal societies.
The world is facing a crisis in biological sustainability due to the connected problems of excessive and increasing population, profligate use of resources and remorseless environmental degradation. Near-comprehensive holocaust denial in our culture in relation to several centuries of recurrent, horrendous famines in British India has blunted our responsiveness to such man-made catastrophes and continues to contribute to the global failure to face up to avoidable mass starvation in the coming century. The world must resolutely apply the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” to these past events and take incisive steps to avoid repetition in the future.
Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability.
Revised and updated 2008 Second Edition with Preface, Epilogue, 1998-2008 updating chapter postscripts and a comprehensive Index, including a Jane Austen works and connections Index.
by Gideon Maxwell Polya
Preamble, including Preface to revised and expanded Second Edition [ i ]
1. Introduction - truth, reason, science and history [ 1 ]
2. The editing of Jane Austen’s maternal connections - the Leighs and Brydges [ 8 ]
3. The editing of the Austens and consequences of rustic amusement [ 18 ]
4. Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants [ 27 ]
5. The editing of Jane Austen’s life [ 33 ]
6. The rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels [ 42 ]
7. The sensibility of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries [ 56 ]
8. The judgement of Jane Austen’s peers and successors [ 66 ]
9. The East India Company, the Black Hole and the conquest of Bengal [ 75 ]
10. The Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 [ 88 ]
11. Warren Hastings and the conquest of India [ 99 ]
12. The impeachment of Warren Hastings and the judgement of history [ 106 ]
13. Colonial famine, genocide and ethnocide [ 114 ]
14. The Bengal Famine of 1943-1944 [ 133 ]
15. Pride and Prejudice - Churchill, Science, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust [ 148]
16. Global warming and the unthinkable world of 2050 [ 166 ]
17. Antipodean epilogue - the moral dimension of the Lucky Country and the world [ 174 ]
Notes [ 202 ]
Bibliography [ 233 ]
Index [ 263 ]
For further details of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” contact Dr Gideon Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Victoria, 3085, Australia.
Repetition of immense crimes against humanity such as the World War 2 Holocaust is made less likely when the responsible society acknowledges the crime, apologizes, makes amends and accepts the injunction “Never again”.
This book is concerned in part with the 2 century holocaust in British India that commenced with the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 (10 million victims), concluded with the World War 2 Bengal Famine (4 million victims) and took tens of millions of lives in between.
However these events have been almost completely written out of history and removed from general perception, there has been no apology nor amends made and indeed it is generally accepted that, in the absence of effective global action, these horrors will be repeated on an unimaginably larger scale in the coming century.
This carefully documented “J’accuse” addresses what the author terms the “Austenizing” of history or the deletion of awful realities from historical writing.
While it was legitimate for Jane Austen, the artist, to render her exquisite novels free of the contemporary awfulness in which her connections participated, the Austenizing of British history is a holocaust-denying outrage that threatens humanity.
Chapter 1: History ignored yields history repeated; the victor writes history; historians like scientists must respect the basic data; the “Austenizing” of British history or the deletion of awful or embarrassing realities from British historiography (most notably the effective deletion of 2 centuries of horrendous famines in British India culminating in the “forgotten holocaust” of World War 2 Bengal); the British Anglo-Celtic Christian, Austro-Hungarian Jewish and Bihari-Bengali Hindu-Muslim antecedents of the author’s children; the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” applied to the “forgotten holocausts” of British India and the looming spectre of mass starvation in the coming century.
Chapter 2: The Austenizing of the maternal connections of Jane Austen; James Brydges and wealth from colonialism and imperialist wars; Indian connections and the theft charge against Jane Austen’s aunt Jane Leigh-Perrot.
Chapter 3: The Austenizing of the paternal connections of Jane Austen; the productive adultery of Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India, with Jane Austen’s aunt Philadelphia Hancock; transplanting Jane Austen country to Tasmania and consequent ecocide and genocide.
Chapter 4: The Austenizing of Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants; recurrent consanguinity; the British imperial and Indian involvements of Jane Austen’s family.
Chapter 5: Jane Austen’s life; remarkable differential reportage of Jane Austen’s life and connections.
Chapter 6: The exclusion of any awfulness and the rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels; succinct synopses and social content analysis of Jane Austen’s major works; recurrent consanguinity; Sense and Sensibility an Indian-connected novel that barely disguises the affair of Warren Hastings with Jane Austen’s aunt in Bengal; a powerful message from Jane Austen’s exquisite writing - “No matter what our place in the world, we are all empowered by the dignified, intelligent and articulate use of words”.
Chapter 7: The sensitivity of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries to domestic and colonial abuses of humanity; George Crabbe, Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, Robert Burns, Samuel Johnson, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Byron and Lord Teignmouth; limited British literary responses to the invasion and oppression of India and the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770.
Chapter 8: Literary criticism of Jane Austen; Jane Austen and the feminist perspective; the Jane Austen industry; Jane Austen and British imperialists; Jane Austen’s artistically legitimate exclusion of awfulness from her exquisite novels has been quite illegitimately taken by 2 centuries of British historians as a paradigm for the Austenizing or comprehensive white-washing of British history.
Chapter 9: The East India Company; the Black Hole of Calcutta story as grossly exaggerated, historically dubious, Imperial mythology - a Big Lie of British History that demonized Indians and helped to justify 2 centuries of oppression and famine; Siraj-ud-daulah, Clive and the conquest of Bengal.
Chapter 10: The genesis, course and extended aftermath of the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770; 10 million victims; a rich country rendered desolate as observed by Jane Austen’s connections; rapacious taxation and mass human starvation; effective deletion of the Great Bengal Famine from British history.
Chapter 11: Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India and actual father of Jane Austen’s cousin and sister-in-law Eliza De Feuillade (née Hancock); rapacious taxation of famine-devastated Bengal; the Rohilla War, the judicial murder of Nandkumar, conflict with Mysore, Hyderabad and the Marathas, the robbing of the Begums of Oudh and the devastation of Oudh by war, taxation and consequent famine; Hastings’ duel with his foe Philip Francis (that resurfaces in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility).
Chapter 12: The impeachment and trial of Warren Hastings by the British Parliament - Britain’s only equivalent of a major war crimes trial over the abuses of British imperialism; Sheridan’s great speeches; the acquittal of Hastings; the judgement of history and the Austenizing of British imperial crimes.
Chapter 13: 2 centuries of appalling, recurrent famine in British India from 1769 to 1945; comparison of recurrent famine under the British in dry Rajasthan and lush Bengal; British colonial slavery, oppression, famine, genocide and ethnocide in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Oceania, Australia and indeed in Britain and Ireland; the crimes of other imperialist powers; Charles Trevelyan and famine in Ireland and India; the genocide of the Tasmanian aborigines.
Chapter 14: The genesis, war-time context and appalling actuality of the Bengal Famine of 1943-1944; loss of rice from Burma, catastrophic war-time decrease in Indian food imports, food exports, temporary seizure of rice stocks, seizure and destruction of boats, Indian provincial food supply autonomy, no famine declaration, hoarding, British unresponsiveness, drastic cuts to Indian Ocean shipping, catastrophic rice price rises leading to mass starvation; British Military Labour Corps and civilian sexual exploitation of famine victims including children; Wavell, Mountbatten and Casey and final responses to the famine; the 1943-1946 excess mortality of about 4 million Bengalis due to famine and attendant disease; the documenting of the famine and the effective deletion of the famine from history and from general public perception.
Chapter 15: Churchill, World War 2, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust; Churchill’s life and his hatred for Indians; Churchill and British air defence, knowledge of the indefensibility of Singapore, Japanese entry into the War and fore-knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor; Churchill, Lindeman, the importance of proper scientific advice to government, the air war in Europe, the Battle of the Atlantic, the shipping crisis and famine in India; famine as a strategic weapon to control restless subjects; Muslim containment, the Middle East, oil, the refusal to allow Jewish escape from Europe, the Jewish Holocaust and the forgotten, substantially Muslim Holocaust of Bengal; Churchill’s contribution to Muslim-Hindu antipathy as his final legacy to India; the effective deletion of the Bengal Famine from history and general public perception.
Chapter 16: Global warming and sea level, human health and tropical versus temperate agricultural productivity consequences; population growth, global agricultural sustainability and the growing discrepancy between population and food supply; the crisis in biological sustainability.
Chapter 17: Unresponsiveness of the world to the World War 2 Jewish Holocaust and to the “forgotten holocaust” of the Bengal Famine; examination of liberal, democratic, highly-educated and prosperous Australia (the Lucky Country) by way of assessment of the likelihood of timely global response to the impending environmental, population and sustainable food production crisis of the coming century; pre-invasion aboriginal Australia, invasion and genocide, racism of White Australia, the apogee of social decency in Australia and the current resurgent racism towards aboriginals and Asians; genocide, ethnocide, ecocide and terracide in Australia and unresponsiveness to the global crisis; a recent experimental test of the moral responsiveness of prosperous, liberal, democratic Australia - the war-time Bengal Famine (accounting for about 90% of World War 2 British Empire military plus civilian casualties) continues to be effectively ignored and thus removed from public perception by the ostensibly liberal political, media, academic and intellectual Establishment of Australia (and of Britain); how we can prevent the looming disaster - peri-conception, male sex selection as an example of a humane, non-invasive, pro-choice mechanism to reduce population (empirical evidence being provided by Fiji, a very tolerant and peaceful multi-racial society that developed from an initially large male over female imbalance among the Indian “indentured slaves”); further civilized contributions include the childless, culturally-absorbed Jane Austen option, tolerance of homosexuality and profound sympathy for the richness of the world as exhibited by Third World small-holder and aboriginal societies.
The world is facing a crisis in biological sustainability due to the connected problems of excessive and increasing population, profligate use of resources and remorseless environmental degradation. Near-comprehensive holocaust denial in our culture in relation to several centuries of recurrent, horrendous famines in British India has blunted our responsiveness to such man-made catastrophes and continues to contribute to the global failure to face up to avoidable mass starvation in the coming century. The world must resolutely apply the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” to these past events and take incisive steps to avoid repetition in the future.
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History (2nd Edition) is a carefully researched updated 2008 Second Edition of the original 1998 First Edition that includes some minor corrections, a substantial Preface (that details "history ignored and history repeated" atrocities of the Bush Wars and worseniing Climate Change in the period 1998-2008) and a final Epilogue that summarizes the Climate Emergency facing an Anglo-American-dominated world that continues to "look the other way" in relation to anthropogenic climate change and the continuing carnage from continuing Anglo-American holocaust commission, holocuast denial, genoicde commission and genocide denial. The book has at its core the scientific risk assessment that “History ignored yields history repeated”. The book uses the life, works and connections of the wonderful Jane Austen as a vehicle for exploring the extraordinary crimes of British Imperialism and of academic British historiography that continue unabated into the 21st century.
2 centuries of British “opinion makers” have perverted the wonderful, if sociologically confined, writing of Jane Austen by using it as a paradigm for British Imperial nobility. There has been a whitewashing (or “Austenizing”) of horrendous British Imperial crimes that continues to this day.
Thus most people would be utterly unaware of the following atrocities involving Great Britain: the Great Bengal Famine (1769-1770, 10 million victims), the man-made World War 2 Bengal Famine (.1943-1945, 6-7 million victims) and the real 9-11 atrocity, the 9-11 million avoidable deaths associated (so far) with the Bush Wars (1990-2008) – all examples of horrendous realities that continue to be air-brushed from public perception by lying, politically correct racist (PC racist) Mainstream media, politicians and academics.
Yet Jane Austen, who confined her brilliant writing to the rarefied world of the English upper class, was insistently truthful. As revealed in “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, Jane Austen’s novel “Sense and Sensibility” actually tells (in part) the scandalous true story of the first and only major British figure to have been arraigned for war crimes - Warren Hastings, friend of the Austens, first Governor General of British India and the out-of-wedlock father of Jane Austen’s cousin Eliza Hancock (through his Bengal adultery with Reverend George Austen's sister Mrs Philadelphia Hancock) , the real-life model for Mary Crawford in “Mansfield Park”.
In his 2005 Literature Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Harold Pinter demanded the arraignment of Bush and Blair for war crimes in Iraq, echoing impassioned and successful calls by Sheridan and Burke 2 centuries ago for the trial of Jane Austen connection Warren Hastings for Crimes against Humanity.
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History (2nd Edition) has a central message that “history ignored yields history repeated”, that ignoring, denying, and “looking the other way” simply short-circuits sensible risk management and acutely threaten Humanity. Indeed the 2008 Second Edition has been updated to show that my fears in 1998 about further horrendous avoidable death from War, Occupation, Global Warming and Lying have been horribly realized in the 9-11 million avoidable deaths from the Bush Wars, the 16 million annual avoidable deaths from deprivation and the dire prediction of Dr James Lovelock FRS that over 6 billion people will perish this century from unaddressed man-made Climate Change.
While it was legitimate for Jane Austen, the brilliant writer, to confine her Art and render her exquisite novels free of the contemporary awfulness in which her connections participated, the “Austenizing” of British history is a holocaust-denying outrage that threatens humanity.
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History (2nd Edition) is exhaustively referenced and indexed. It is a fabulous reference work for Jane Austen fans, high school and university students, historians, journalists, academics and lay persons. In addition to the serious message outlined above, the book:
1. details the life, forebears, family, connections, literary contemporaries and critics of Jane Austen and summarizes and analyses all of Jane Austen’s completed and unfinished novels;
2. details and documents the history of British and European imperialism, colonialism and genocide in India and elsewhere (notably Australia);
3. exposes the extraordinary “Austenizing” of history that is continuing today;
4. details 1998 fears about Global Warming that are now being realized in 2008; and
5. provides a Comprehensive Index including a Jane Austen Works, Characters and Connections Index.
The 2008 edition concludes with reference to my recent book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007).
“In “Body Count” as in Chapter 17 above, I offered a variety of simple, cheap solutions based on wonderful examples of some very poor countries such as Cuba which have achieved remarkable success in addressing the fundamental human right of “right to life” through high female literacy, good governance, focussed investment and good primary health care. The same intelligent and humane approaches can effectively deal with the problems of excessive population and demands that have pushed the biosphere to a point of Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency. 182 Indeed 10,000 times more solar energy hits the earth each day than man currently uses and we already have highly efficient renewable energy technologies for cheaply and safely harvesting this resource. 183
Fundamental to any rational risk management – as urgently needed today for Spaceship Earth - is accurate data and general reportage. Further, just as we take the advice of top medical specialists very seriously in relation to life-threatening conditions, so sensible risk management demands that we take very seriously the advice of top scientists at the cutting edge of research and the advice of top scientific bodies. Thus the Melbourne-based Yarra Valley Climate Action Group and the Australian climate action group umbrella organization, the Climate Emergency Network, have provided detailed and documented summations of such information from top scientists and top scientific organizations in relation to the Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency facing the World. 184 The continuing, entrenched lying in mainstream cultures acutely threatens humanity. History ignored yields history repeated. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please inform everyone you can.”
For further details of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” contact Dr Gideon Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Victoria, 3085, Australia
The following links of relevance to Science, Art, Truth, Beauty and Saving the World may also be useful:
Polya, G.M. (1998), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” (First Edition, G.M. Polya, Melbourne: ).
Polya, G.M. (2003), “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds. A pharmacological reference guide to sites of action and biological effects” (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003: ) [read the numerous, succinctly presented historical and literary “snippets” inserted throughout this huge scientific text].
Polya, G.M. (2007), “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne: and ).
Polya, G.M. (2007), “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007; see: ).
Polya, G.M. (2008), “Science & Art versus Nuclear, Greenhouse & Poverty Threats”: .
Yarra Valley Climate Action Group: .
Climate Emergency Network: .
Gideon Polya Blogspot blogs:
Gideon Polya writings on Media with Conscience News (MWC News): .
Gideon Polya writings on Newsvine: .
Gideon Polya writings on Sulekha: .
My words and those of other anti-racist, humanitarian advocates have evidently failed – the Bush Wars have now brought Anglo invasion and killing to Pakistani Waziristan, the Northwest Frontier of the former British Raj in South Asia, for the first time since 1947; the Arctic sea ice in 2007-2008 is at its lowest extent on record (see the official US National Snow and Ice Data Center, NSIDC: ); according to UNICEF (see: ) 327,000 Afghan under-5 year old infants die each year in US-, UK-, NATO- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan (population 26 million) as compared to 2,000 in Occupier Australia (population 21 million) and according to the World Health Organization (WHO: ) the Occupiers only permit a “total annual per capita medical expenditure” of $26 in Occupied Afghanistan (as compared to about $3,000 in Australia and $6,400 in the US); and the Mainstream media continue to ignore the real extent of the 9-11 atrocity – the 9-11 million avoidable deaths (mostly of women and children) in the Bush Wars (1990-2008) (see “9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: Millions Dead in Bush Wars”: ).
Because my words have evidently failed I am also trying to spread a message of Peace through Art, “saying it in pictures”.
For your pleasure here are links to some of my HUGE (circa 1.3 metres x 2.9 metres) Paintings for Peace and the Planet (I am very happy for these images to be reproduced in the interests of Humanity; please forward them to all your associates!) : Clean Energy World: , My Country: , Four Seasons: , Bundoora Eucalyptus: , Deep Mind: and Genes and Memes: (both of these relating to Mind and Humanism), Apocalypse Now : , Jerusalem Madonna (Muslim, Renaissance Italian, Byzantine Orthodox, aboriginal, abstract expressionist fusion): , Manhattan Madonna ( a memorial for 9/11) : , Rosanna Madonna: , Scheherazade (for Women's Rights) : / , Sydney Madonna (for Mother and Child and Indigenous Rights) : , Truelove: , Melbourne Madonna: , Qana (inspired by Pablo Picasso's anti-war masterpiece "Guernica"): , Isfahan Matisse: , Alhambra Pollock: , Terra: and Bundoora Arabesque: .
For further details of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” contact Dr Gideon Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Victoria, 3085, Australia (e-mail: ).
Labels: austen, bangladesh, bengal, britain, india
posted by Dr Gideon Polya @ 2:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History
Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability
by Gideon Maxwell Polya
1. Introduction - truth, reason, science and history [ 1 ]
2. The editing of Jane Austen’s connections - the Leighs and Brydges [ 8 ]
3. The editing of the Austens and consequences of rustic amusement [ 18 ]
4. Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants [ 27 ]
5. The editing of Jane Austen’s life [ 33 ]
6. The rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels [ 42 ]
7. The sensibility of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries [ 56 ]
8. The judgement of Jane Austen’s peers and successors [ 66 ]
9. The East India Company, the Black Hole and the conquest of Bengal [ 75 ]
10. The Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 [ 88 ]
11. Warren Hastings and the conquest of India [ 99 ]
12. The impeachment of Warren Hastings and the judgement of history [ 106 ]
13. Colonial famine, genocide and ethnocide [ 114 ]
14. The Bengal Famine of 1943-1944 [ 133 ]
15. Pride and Prejudice - Churchill, Science, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust [ 148]
16. Global warming and the unthinkable world of 2050 [ 166 ]
17. Antipodean epilogue - the moral dimension of the Lucky Country and the world [ 174 ]
Notes [ 199 ]
Bibliography [ 227 ]
Index [ 252 ]
Dr. Gideon Polya was an Associate Professor in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, 3086, Australia. The author of over 100 scientific publications, Dr. Polya is presently a Melbourne-based researcher, writer and lecturer. The views expressed in the book are those of the author, Dr. G.M. Polya. This first edition of the book (ISBN 0-646-35580-5) was published in May 1998 by G.M. Polya, 29 Dwyer Street, Macleod, Melbourne, Victoria, 3085, Australia. It is out of print but copies are to be found in some major libraries. A second edition is envisaged.
Repetition of immense crimes against humanity such as the World War 2 Holocaust is made less likely when the responsible society acknowledges the crime, apologizes, makes amends and accepts the injunction “Never again”.
This book is concerned in part with the 2 century holocaust in British India that commenced with the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770 (10 million victims), concluded with the World War 2 Bengal Famine (4 million victims) and took tens of millions of lives in between.
However these events have been almost completely written out of history and removed from general perception, there has been no apology nor amends made and indeed it is generally accepted that, in the absence of effective global action, these horrors will be repeated on an unimaginably larger scale in the coming century.
This carefully documented “J’accuse” addresses what the author terms the “Austenizing” of history or the deletion of awful realities from historical writing.
While it was legitimate for Jane Austen, the artist, to render her exquisite novels free of the contemporary awfulness in which her connections participated, the Austenizing of British history is a holocaust-denying outrage that threatens humanity.
Chapter 1: History ignored yields history repeated; the victor writes history; historians like scientists must respect the basic data; the “Austenizing” of British history or the deletion of awful or embarrassing realities from British historiography (most notably the effective deletion of 2 centuries of horrendous famines in British India culminating in the “forgotten holocaust” of World War 2 Bengal); the British Anglo-Celtic Christian, Austro-Hungarian Jewish and Bihari-Bengali Hindu-Muslim antecedents of the author’s children; the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” applied to the “forgotten holocausts” of British India and the looming spectre of mass starvation in the coming century.
Chapter 2: The Austenizing of the maternal connections of Jane Austen; James Brydges and wealth from colonialism and imperialist wars; Indian connections and the theft charge against Jane Austen’s aunt Jane Leigh-Perrot.
Chapter 3: The Austenizing of the paternal connections of Jane Austen; the productive adultery of Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India, with Jane Austen’s aunt Philadelphia Hancock; transplanting Jane Austen country to Tasmania and consequent ecocide and genocide.
Chapter 4: The Austenizing of Jane Austen’s siblings and their descendants; recurrent consanguinity; the British imperial and Indian involvements of Jane Austen’s family.
Chapter 5: Jane Austen’s life; remarkable differential reportage of Jane Austen’s life and connections.
Chapter 6: The exclusion of any awfulness and the rare intrusion of humble social reality into Jane Austen’s novels; succinct synopses and social content analysis of Jane Austen’s major works; recurrent consanguinity; Sense and Sensibility an Indian-connected novel that barely disguises the affair of Warren Hastings with Jane Austen’s aunt in Bengal; a powerful message from Jane Austen’s exquisite writing - “No matter what our place in the world, we are all empowered by the dignified, intelligent and articulate use of words”.
Chapter 7: The sensitivity of Jane Austen’s literary contemporaries to domestic and colonial abuses of humanity; George Crabbe, Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, Robert Burns, Samuel Johnson, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Byron and Lord Teignmouth; limited British literary responses to the invasion and oppression of India and the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770.
Chapter 8: Literary criticism of Jane Austen; Jane Austen and the feminist perspective; the Jane Austen industry; Jane Austen and British imperialists; Jane Austen’s artistically legitimate exclusion of awfulness from her exquisite novels has been quite illegitimately taken by 2 centuries of British historians as a paradigm for the Austenizing or comprehensive white-washing of British history.
Chapter 9: The East India Company; the Black Hole of Calcutta story as grossly exaggerated, historically dubious, Imperial mythology - a Big Lie of British History that demonized Indians and helped to justify 2 centuries of oppression and famine; Siraj-ud-daulah, Clive and the conquest of Bengal.
Chapter 10: The genesis, course and extended aftermath of the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1770; 10 million victims; a rich country rendered desolate as observed by Jane Austen’s connections; rapacious taxation and mass human starvation; effective deletion of the Great Bengal Famine from British history.
Chapter 11: Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of India and actual father of Jane Austen’s cousin and sister-in-law Eliza De Feuillade (née Hancock); rapacious taxation of famine-devastated Bengal; the Rohilla War, the judicial murder of Nandkumar, conflict with Mysore, Hyderabad and the Marathas, the robbing of the Begums of Oudh and the devastation of Oudh by war, taxation and consequent famine; Hastings’ duel with his foe Philip Francis (that resurfaces in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility).
Chapter 12: The impeachment and trial of Warren Hastings by the British Parliament - Britain’s only equivalent of a major war crimes trial over the abuses of British imperialism; Sheridan’s great speeches; the acquittal of Hastings; the judgement of history and the Austenizing of British imperial crimes.
Chapter 13: 2 centuries of appalling, recurrent famine in British India from 1769 to 1945; comparison of recurrent famine under the British in dry Rajasthan and lush Bengal; British colonial slavery, oppression, famine, genocide and ethnocide in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Oceania, Australia and indeed in Britain and Ireland; the crimes of other imperialist powers; Charles Trevelyan and famine in Ireland and India; the genocide of the Tasmanian aborigines.
Chapter 14: The genesis, war-time context and appalling actuality of the Bengal Famine of 1943-1944; loss of rice from Burma, catastrophic war-time decrease in Indian food imports, food exports, temporary seizure of rice stocks, seizure and destruction of boats, Indian provincial food supply autonomy, no famine declaration, hoarding, British unresponsiveness, drastic cuts to Indian Ocean shipping, catastrophic rice price rises leading to mass starvation; British Military Labour Corps and civilian sexual exploitation of famine victims including children; Wavell, Mountbatten and Casey and final responses to the famine; the 1943-1946 excess mortality of about 4 million Bengalis due to famine and attendant disease; the documenting of the famine and the effective deletion of the famine from history and from general public perception.
Chapter 15: Churchill, World War 2, the Bengal Famine and the Jewish Holocaust; Churchill’s life and his hatred for Indians; Churchill and British air defence, knowledge of the indefensibility of Singapore, Japanese entry into the War and fore-knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor; Churchill, Lindeman, the importance of proper scientific advice to government, the air war in Europe, the Battle of the Atlantic, the shipping crisis and famine in India; famine as a strategic weapon to control restless subjects; Muslim containment, the Middle East, oil, the refusal to allow Jewish escape from Europe, the Jewish Holocaust and the forgotten, substantially Muslim Holocaust of Bengal; Churchill’s contribution to Muslim-Hindu antipathy as his final legacy to India; the effective deletion of the Bengal Famine from history and general public perception.
Chapter 16: Global warming and sea level, human health and tropical versus temperate agricultural productivity consequences; population growth, global agricultural sustainability and the growing discrepancy between population and food supply; the crisis in biological sustainability.
Chapter 17: Unresponsiveness of the world to the World War 2 Jewish Holocaust and to the “forgotten holocaust” of the Bengal Famine; examination of liberal, democratic, highly-educated and prosperous Australia (the Lucky Country) by way of assessment of the likelihood of timely global response to the impending environmental, population and sustainable food production crisis of the coming century; pre-invasion aboriginal Australia, invasion and genocide, racism of White Australia, the apogee of social decency in Australia and the current resurgent racism towards aboriginals and Asians; genocide, ethnocide, ecocide and terracide in Australia and unresponsiveness to the global crisis; a recent experimental test of the moral responsiveness of prosperous, liberal, democratic Australia - the war-time Bengal Famine (accounting for about 90% of World War 2 British Empire military plus civilian casualties) continues to be effectively ignored and thus removed from public perception by the ostensibly liberal political, media, academic and intellectual Establishment of Australia (and of Britain); how we can prevent the looming disaster - peri-conception, male sex selection as an example of a humane, non-invasive, pro-choice mechanism to reduce population (empirical evidence being provided by Fiji, a very tolerant and peaceful multi-racial society that developed from an initially large male over female imbalance among the Indian “indentured slaves”); further civilized contributions include the childless, culturally-absorbed Jane Austen option, tolerance of homosexuality and profound sympathy for the richness of the world as exhibited by Third World small-holder and aboriginal societies.
The world is facing a crisis in biological sustainability due to the connected problems of excessive and increasing population, profligate use of resources and remorseless environmental degradation. Near-comprehensive holocaust denial in our culture in relation to several centuries of recurrent, horrendous famines in British India has blunted our responsiveness to such man-made catastrophes and continues to contribute to the global failure to face up to avoidable mass starvation in the coming century. The world must resolutely apply the post-Holocaust injunction of “Never again” to these past events and take incisive steps to avoid repetition in the future.
Media Lying over Churchill's Crimes
Churchill is our hero because of his leadership in World War 2, but his immense crimes, notably the WW2 Bengali Holocaust, the 1943-1945 Bengal Famine in which Churchill murdered 6-7 million Indians, have been deleted from history by extraordinary Anglo-American and Zionist Holocaust Denial.
In addition to his participation in British colonial war crimes in South Africa, the Sudan, Afghanistan and India as a soldier "just obeying orders", Churchill was deeply complicit as an Establishment politician, Minister and Leader in the political failures leading to World War 1; the disastrous WW2 Dardanelles campaign; the 1920s bombing of Iraqis and Kurds; political failure leading to World War 2; active promotion of Japanese entry into World War 2, pre-knowledge of the indefensibility of Singapore; pre-knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; opposition to Indian Independence from the crippling obscenity of the British Raj; the 1943-1945 Bengal Famine; the anti-Arab anti-Semitic war-time decision to partition Palestine in favour of racist Zionist colonizers; and promotion of Hindu-Muslim antipathy with resultant Partition carnage and the present Pakistan-India nuclear standoff.
Churchill is our hero because of his leadership in World War 2, but his immense crimes, notably the WW2 Bengali Holocaust, the 1943-1945 Bengal Famine in which Churchill murdered 6-7 million Indians, have been deleted from history by extraordinary Anglo-American and Zionist Holocaust Denial.
In addition to his participation in British colonial war crimes in South Africa, the Sudan, Afghanistan and India as a soldier "just obeying orders", Churchill was deeply complicit as an Establishment politician, Minister and Leader in the political failures leading to World War 1; the disastrous WW2 Dardanelles campaign; the 1920s bombing of Iraqis and Kurds; political failure leading to World War 2; active promotion of Japanese entry into World War 2, pre-knowledge of the indefensibility of Singapore; pre-knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; opposition to Indian Independence from the crippling obscenity of the British Raj; the 1943-1945 Bengal Famine; the anti-Arab anti-Semitic war-time decision to partition Palestine in favour of racist Zionist colonizers; and promotion of Hindu-Muslim antipathy with resultant Partition carnage and the present Pakistan-India nuclear standoff.
Deutschland Uber Alles
01.16.2009 | ?
Hitler Israel now









































01.16.2009 | ?
Hitler Israel now










































Thursday, 22 January 2009
Why Israel went to war in Gaza
Dan Gillerman, Israel's ambassador to the UN until a few months ago, was brought in by the Foreign Ministry to help lead the diplomatic and PR campaign. He said that the diplomatic and political groundwork has been under way for months.
"This was something that was planned long ahead," he said. "I was recruited by the foreign minister to coordinate Israel's efforts and I have never seen all parts of a very complex machinery - whether it is the Foreign Ministry, the Defence Ministry, the prime minister's office, the police or the army - work in such co-ordination, being effective in sending out the message."
...........Israel portrayed Hamas as part of an axis of Islamist fundamentalist evil with Iran and Hezbollah. Its actions, the Israelis said, are nothing to do with continued occupation of the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza or the Israeli military's continued killing of large numbers of Palestinians since the pullout. "Israel is part of the free world and fights extremism and terrorism. Hamas is not," the foreign minister and Kadima party leader, Tzipi Livni, said on arriving in France as part of the diplomatic offensive last week.
Earlier in the week Livni deployed the "with us or against us" rhetoric of George W Bush's war on terror. "These are the days when every individual in the region and in the world has to choose a side. And the sides have changed. No longer is it Israel on one side and the Arab world on the other," she said. "Israel chose its side the day it was established; the Jewish people chose its side during its thousands of years of existence; and the prayer for peace is the voice sounded in the synagogues."
Dan Gillerman, Israel's ambassador to the UN until a few months ago, was brought in by the Foreign Ministry to help lead the diplomatic and PR campaign. He said that the diplomatic and political groundwork has been under way for months.
"This was something that was planned long ahead," he said. "I was recruited by the foreign minister to coordinate Israel's efforts and I have never seen all parts of a very complex machinery - whether it is the Foreign Ministry, the Defence Ministry, the prime minister's office, the police or the army - work in such co-ordination, being effective in sending out the message."
...........Israel portrayed Hamas as part of an axis of Islamist fundamentalist evil with Iran and Hezbollah. Its actions, the Israelis said, are nothing to do with continued occupation of the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza or the Israeli military's continued killing of large numbers of Palestinians since the pullout. "Israel is part of the free world and fights extremism and terrorism. Hamas is not," the foreign minister and Kadima party leader, Tzipi Livni, said on arriving in France as part of the diplomatic offensive last week.
Earlier in the week Livni deployed the "with us or against us" rhetoric of George W Bush's war on terror. "These are the days when every individual in the region and in the world has to choose a side. And the sides have changed. No longer is it Israel on one side and the Arab world on the other," she said. "Israel chose its side the day it was established; the Jewish people chose its side during its thousands of years of existence; and the prayer for peace is the voice sounded in the synagogues."
Monkey And The Trampoline?
Apart from this there are no monkeys on trampolines. Why?
Is it cruel?
Might be a good source of income??
Apart from this there are no monkeys on trampolines. Why?
Is it cruel?
Might be a good source of income??
from el Wafa to Arafa

one of many sketches on a chessboard-sized scrap of material left by Israeli soldiers occupying a house in Ezbet Abed Rabbo, eastern Jabaliya.

one of many sketches on a chessboard-sized scrap of material left by Israeli soldiers occupying a house in Ezbet Abed Rabbo, eastern Jabaliya.
Jan 20, 2009
The streets leading from the seriously-damaged Wafa rehabilitation centre in Sheijaiyee were filled with black filth smelling of sewage. The hospital, attacked on January 12th with a chemical bomb that may well be white phosphorus and which set fire to the roof, and whose 4 different buildings were shelled intensely on January 15th, is trying to re-build and re-open, as is the shelled, burned, seriously-damaged al Quds hospital in Tel el Hawa, Gaza city.
Even today, after mentioning to the Canadian TV crew accompanying me that fire blobs had burned up to yesterday, we found still more blobs spread out, smoldering and willingly breaking into white smoking fires anew. I have seen this often enough now. They were impressed by it, by the fact that it’s now 8 days after the fire and the blobs are still simmering, smoldering, ready to flame up.
The Red Crescent team of the north had gathered at the Ezbet Abed Rabbo station, to cut swathes of transparent plastic into lengths to be further cut to fit glass-less windows, blown out in the bombings on and around the houses. This is the first step in providing some immediate relief from the cold. For the homeless, however, I don’t know what will be offered, if tents are available…
In the next few hours, I was able to meet another extended family, take their testimonies (which included shelling of their house, phosphorus-like fires, sadistic drawings left behind by the IOF occupying the house, the imprisonment of the elderly parents for 4 days (no food, no water, no toilets, no medicines) and the killing of their sheep and goats. The mother was terrified, and thanked me in a stream of frightened babble intermixed with gratitude for listening. "We saw terrible things, terrible things," she said. "They’ve come 3 times, and this was by far the worst ever. I saw dead bodies on the streets. We are just an old man and woman, why did they do this to us?" The medicine and insulin that she should have been taking lay in the dirt, stepped on, where it was thrown by soldiers taking them from their one-room house to a room of their sons’ house. The older man pulled an inhaler out of his breast pocket, saying that this too was denied him during his imprisonment.
I also returned to the home of my friends, to take the testimony of Abu N who I’d worried so much about. Two days ago when I’d first seen him again, after nearly 3 weeks of wondering if he was still alive, he’d been pale, sallow, nervous, looked defeated. Yesterday, too, he looked weak, less the proud elderly man he’d been before. Today, I was gratified to see much of his former self returning, despite his ordeal, despite the killing of his wife. He and one son chuckled as they vied for conversation time, his English returning only in bits but his determination to practice it returning in waves. Seeing the two, so crushed by the loss of Umm N, returning to life was inspiring. H. has told me many times now, though, that he cannot tell me of his own losses during these weeks. They are too great, and so he moves on without healing, but moves on at least.
Rudely, I left before a meal, though all insisted I stay. Normally, I would not turn it down, particularly after they had just begun to get their house into less of a disaster state: feces cleaned up from where the IOF soldiers had strewn it, all over the house; bags of soldiers’ filthy leavings taken out; soldier-soiled clothing gathered, bagged, and burned; and the many shattered dishes and broken items cleared out. It is barer, and there are so many new bullet and tank shelling holes. The un-describable, terrible, stench still lingers, that of an army which occupied the house for 2 weeks and left shit and unknown foul smells throughout the house. It is a stench I’ve smelled in other houses in the area occupied by the IOF.
But even though I was very happy they had progressed enough to cook in their kitchen and bask in the hospitality they love, I had to leave, to allow time for visiting Arafa’s family.
14 days after his murder, the family was finally able to begin the 3 day mourning process. I visited them on the last day, unaware until today that is was happening. I found his widow as expected, grieving painfully and lamenting the loss of a kind man, good husband, loving father. After seeing bodies in many states of injury, near-death, and savagely-rendered death, I found that I am still able to cry. While the horrors of Israel’s continual bombing, I’d become surprisingly immune to shock or fear from the noise or notion of being hit, and even to death. But just looking into Arafa’s widow’s eyes, seeing her pain and remembering my own pain at losing him, my emotions proved to be intact still, meaning that a lot will surface later, in quieter times.
And this realization leads to the subsequent realization that so many Palestinians don’t really have a means of addressing their pain and psychological scarring. Particularly as so many have repeatedly endured invasions, as well as other emotionally-damaging things like living under military occupation, being imprisoned or having family members imprisoned, and living under siege and in closed borders, to name but some.
Abdullah, one of Abu N’s grandchildren, cries pretty much all of the time I see him now. He was a bit of a cheeky 6 year old when I first met him 2 months ago. Now he seems stuck in his memories of bomb explosions and drone sounds (the drones I can identify with: even now, near midnight on January 20, 2 days post cease-fire, the drones circle. The very distinct noise the drones here make is not a noise I can disassociate from the 3 weeks of precise bombardment and death which accompanied it). And very likely he won’t get any sort of therapy for this, although his family is compassionate, and will have to carry this baggage along with future baggage, as will the majority of those here. The most visible aspects of this war on Gaza are the massive craters, the demolished houses and buildings in every direction, in every town and city, the burnt-out warehouses and shops and hospital rooms and schools and cars…and the amputated limbs, the burned skin, the still-burning fires. But those very deep emotional injuries are what were intended to cripple society even more than physical damage.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Was the "Cold War" Hoax Perpetrated by International Banking?
Was the "Cold War" Hoax Perpetrated by International Banking?
To the casual reader of the news, the "Cold War" seemed like a very real threat to the United States. The Korean War, occurring only 5 years after World War II, and the Viet Nam War were both fought to contain the "International Communist Conspiracy." These were "hot spots" in the "cold war" and themselves were real enough as human lives and property were being destroyed. Also, the nuclear arms race became an insane dimension of the "Cold War". But miraculously, none of these weapons of mass destruction were ever used between the "contenders" of the "Cold War."
As historians take a closer look at the history of events during and after World War II, the reality of events take on another, completely different picture than that presented us by "official sources" !
Most revolutionary movements are not spontaneous uprising of suppressed people. The sucessful revolution is highly organised, well financed, and directed by hidden persons.
The American Revolution of 1776 was largely organised by the secret Freemason Societies. The French Revolution was also organised by the Freemasons of Continental Europe that had been taken over by, even more secret, Illuminati societies headed by Adam Weishaupt and financed by the international bankers centered around the Banking House of Rothschild.
This author is of the opinion that the original Freemasons were men of principal, working for greater human freedom. However, Illuminised Freemasonery was the source of great deception, Communism, and great human suffering. Hence, the great difference in outcome between the American Revolution with the ensuing human freedom and the French and the Bolshevik revolutions with their ensuing reigns of terror.
In the case of the Soviet Union, the thinking man would wonder why, if Communism is such a monumental economic failure, did the Soviet Union evolve from a poor agrarian society in 1920 to being a military and industrial super power by 1950? They achieved real economic growth, considered miciralcous even by American standards in that time period of 3 decades.
A closer look reveals that the Soviets were getting massive technical and financial assistance from persons and institutions primarily in Western Europe and the United States. The Bolsheviks were origonaly, largely financed by the Khun Loeb Bank of New York and the Max Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany. Later, the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank of New York, Standard Oil Corporation and Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum would provide tremendous financial assistance. The largest Factory in the world, the Kama River Truck Factory in Russia was financed in a deal set up by the President of the Export Import Bank, William Casey (later to become Director of the CIA) with the financing supplied by Armand Hammer.
During World War II, the Soviets were considered our Allies and tremendous technical assistance was provided under operation "Lend Lease." During the "Big 3" meetings held between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, Europe was effectively divided up between the West and the Soviets. There can be little doubt that the Soviets were handed every advantage by the Western powers during this time.
In 1990, in the words of President George Bush "the Cold War is over - and we won it!" But how could this have happed without a shot being fired? Soon after this, unexpected turn of events led to our FBI and CIA cooperating with the KGB in exchanging intelligence information. Then, bills were "fast tracked" through Congress to put together a 20 billion dollar Aid package to the newly formed CIS (former USSR) to, in the words of President George Bush, "preserve a fragile democracy." The orchestration of events soon became blatantly obvious to the more intelligent person.
To see why the "Cold War" was a hoax one must look at the secret history of events going on behind the scenes in the unlikely alliance between Capitalist and Communist. The Historical Influence of International Banking gives a concise outline of this history.
The primary purpose of this book is to reveal a little known side of history. This history is about secret societies that are very serious about secrecy because their survival usually depends on it.
I can agree that there are times when secrecy is needed as in military operations and undercover police work. But, when secrecy is used for the wholesale dismantling of our Constitutional government and used to practice thievery on a grand scale as with the Federal Reserve Banking system, when the secrecy is used to impose war and the New World Order on us whether we want it or not. Then, it is time to expose the secret.
Because I write about the Jewish money lenders backing the Zionist cause and the secret illuminati organizations, some will say that my writings are anti-semitic. I would point out that only a very small percent of the Jewish people know the secrets of the illuminati. The revelations of this book are as shocking to them as to many of the rest of us.
I have many Jewish friends and many of them are struggling to pay the bills and raise their families just like the rest of us. They are just as much in the dark about the New World Order as the majority of the people in this country. On the other hand, there are illuminati leaders like Edmond De Rothschild who openly speak of the common man being "cannon fodder" while planning a world only for the enjoyment of the "elite."
Some claim that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were invented to be used as anti-semitic propaganda. I am open to this possibility. However, the Protocols do explain most of the phenomenon that we observe in politics, the economy and the media to day.
The history that is here presented goes a long way towards explaining the present state of world affairs. For example, in the "Dessert Storm" War, which most informed persons understand was really a war over oil, the sole refiner of Kuwait's oil is British Petroleum which is owned by the Rothschilds. The recent flurry of currency devauleations in Asia was being directly manipulated by the International Bankers to give the IMF more lending (and thereby political) leverage in that area of the world.
I respect the Judaic traditions and lore and the right to freely practice one's religion of choice. This with the qualification that no harm should come to another of God's creations in the practice of that religion. While I may not be against Judaism, I am opposed to political Zionism which is very warlike and destructive and is the real source of mideast tension.
The treatment of Palestinians in Israel is as shameful as the white mans's treatment of the Native Americans in the United States. I say this as a white man. I long for the day when all races and all people are treated with respect and dignity everywhere on this planet.
Finally, I am not opposed to a World Government. In fact, I favor one. However, it should represent the wishes of the governed with respect for the sovereignty of the individual (all individuals). It should operate honestly, openly and above board on all issues and it should not garner favor for an elite few.
The present New World Order does none of the above. After reading my book, one can see that The NWO has a very poor track record, which is a fairly good indicator of it's future performance.
To the casual reader of the news, the "Cold War" seemed like a very real threat to the United States. The Korean War, occurring only 5 years after World War II, and the Viet Nam War were both fought to contain the "International Communist Conspiracy." These were "hot spots" in the "cold war" and themselves were real enough as human lives and property were being destroyed. Also, the nuclear arms race became an insane dimension of the "Cold War". But miraculously, none of these weapons of mass destruction were ever used between the "contenders" of the "Cold War."
As historians take a closer look at the history of events during and after World War II, the reality of events take on another, completely different picture than that presented us by "official sources" !
Most revolutionary movements are not spontaneous uprising of suppressed people. The sucessful revolution is highly organised, well financed, and directed by hidden persons.
The American Revolution of 1776 was largely organised by the secret Freemason Societies. The French Revolution was also organised by the Freemasons of Continental Europe that had been taken over by, even more secret, Illuminati societies headed by Adam Weishaupt and financed by the international bankers centered around the Banking House of Rothschild.
This author is of the opinion that the original Freemasons were men of principal, working for greater human freedom. However, Illuminised Freemasonery was the source of great deception, Communism, and great human suffering. Hence, the great difference in outcome between the American Revolution with the ensuing human freedom and the French and the Bolshevik revolutions with their ensuing reigns of terror.
In the case of the Soviet Union, the thinking man would wonder why, if Communism is such a monumental economic failure, did the Soviet Union evolve from a poor agrarian society in 1920 to being a military and industrial super power by 1950? They achieved real economic growth, considered miciralcous even by American standards in that time period of 3 decades.
A closer look reveals that the Soviets were getting massive technical and financial assistance from persons and institutions primarily in Western Europe and the United States. The Bolsheviks were origonaly, largely financed by the Khun Loeb Bank of New York and the Max Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany. Later, the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank of New York, Standard Oil Corporation and Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum would provide tremendous financial assistance. The largest Factory in the world, the Kama River Truck Factory in Russia was financed in a deal set up by the President of the Export Import Bank, William Casey (later to become Director of the CIA) with the financing supplied by Armand Hammer.
During World War II, the Soviets were considered our Allies and tremendous technical assistance was provided under operation "Lend Lease." During the "Big 3" meetings held between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, Europe was effectively divided up between the West and the Soviets. There can be little doubt that the Soviets were handed every advantage by the Western powers during this time.
In 1990, in the words of President George Bush "the Cold War is over - and we won it!" But how could this have happed without a shot being fired? Soon after this, unexpected turn of events led to our FBI and CIA cooperating with the KGB in exchanging intelligence information. Then, bills were "fast tracked" through Congress to put together a 20 billion dollar Aid package to the newly formed CIS (former USSR) to, in the words of President George Bush, "preserve a fragile democracy." The orchestration of events soon became blatantly obvious to the more intelligent person.
To see why the "Cold War" was a hoax one must look at the secret history of events going on behind the scenes in the unlikely alliance between Capitalist and Communist. The Historical Influence of International Banking gives a concise outline of this history.
The primary purpose of this book is to reveal a little known side of history. This history is about secret societies that are very serious about secrecy because their survival usually depends on it.
I can agree that there are times when secrecy is needed as in military operations and undercover police work. But, when secrecy is used for the wholesale dismantling of our Constitutional government and used to practice thievery on a grand scale as with the Federal Reserve Banking system, when the secrecy is used to impose war and the New World Order on us whether we want it or not. Then, it is time to expose the secret.
Because I write about the Jewish money lenders backing the Zionist cause and the secret illuminati organizations, some will say that my writings are anti-semitic. I would point out that only a very small percent of the Jewish people know the secrets of the illuminati. The revelations of this book are as shocking to them as to many of the rest of us.
I have many Jewish friends and many of them are struggling to pay the bills and raise their families just like the rest of us. They are just as much in the dark about the New World Order as the majority of the people in this country. On the other hand, there are illuminati leaders like Edmond De Rothschild who openly speak of the common man being "cannon fodder" while planning a world only for the enjoyment of the "elite."
Some claim that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were invented to be used as anti-semitic propaganda. I am open to this possibility. However, the Protocols do explain most of the phenomenon that we observe in politics, the economy and the media to day.
The history that is here presented goes a long way towards explaining the present state of world affairs. For example, in the "Dessert Storm" War, which most informed persons understand was really a war over oil, the sole refiner of Kuwait's oil is British Petroleum which is owned by the Rothschilds. The recent flurry of currency devauleations in Asia was being directly manipulated by the International Bankers to give the IMF more lending (and thereby political) leverage in that area of the world.
I respect the Judaic traditions and lore and the right to freely practice one's religion of choice. This with the qualification that no harm should come to another of God's creations in the practice of that religion. While I may not be against Judaism, I am opposed to political Zionism which is very warlike and destructive and is the real source of mideast tension.
The treatment of Palestinians in Israel is as shameful as the white mans's treatment of the Native Americans in the United States. I say this as a white man. I long for the day when all races and all people are treated with respect and dignity everywhere on this planet.
Finally, I am not opposed to a World Government. In fact, I favor one. However, it should represent the wishes of the governed with respect for the sovereignty of the individual (all individuals). It should operate honestly, openly and above board on all issues and it should not garner favor for an elite few.
The present New World Order does none of the above. After reading my book, one can see that The NWO has a very poor track record, which is a fairly good indicator of it's future performance.
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