Sunday 18 January 2009

Was the "Cold War" Hoax Perpetrated by International Banking?

Was the "Cold War" Hoax Perpetrated by International Banking?

To the casual reader of the news, the "Cold War" seemed like a very real threat to the United States. The Korean War, occurring only 5 years after World War II, and the Viet Nam War were both fought to contain the "International Communist Conspiracy." These were "hot spots" in the "cold war" and themselves were real enough as human lives and property were being destroyed. Also, the nuclear arms race became an insane dimension of the "Cold War". But miraculously, none of these weapons of mass destruction were ever used between the "contenders" of the "Cold War."

As historians take a closer look at the history of events during and after World War II, the reality of events take on another, completely different picture than that presented us by "official sources" !

Most revolutionary movements are not spontaneous uprising of suppressed people. The sucessful revolution is highly organised, well financed, and directed by hidden persons.

The American Revolution of 1776 was largely organised by the secret Freemason Societies. The French Revolution was also organised by the Freemasons of Continental Europe that had been taken over by, even more secret, Illuminati societies headed by Adam Weishaupt and financed by the international bankers centered around the Banking House of Rothschild.

This author is of the opinion that the original Freemasons were men of principal, working for greater human freedom. However, Illuminised Freemasonery was the source of great deception, Communism, and great human suffering. Hence, the great difference in outcome between the American Revolution with the ensuing human freedom and the French and the Bolshevik revolutions with their ensuing reigns of terror.

In the case of the Soviet Union, the thinking man would wonder why, if Communism is such a monumental economic failure, did the Soviet Union evolve from a poor agrarian society in 1920 to being a military and industrial super power by 1950? They achieved real economic growth, considered miciralcous even by American standards in that time period of 3 decades.

A closer look reveals that the Soviets were getting massive technical and financial assistance from persons and institutions primarily in Western Europe and the United States. The Bolsheviks were origonaly, largely financed by the Khun Loeb Bank of New York and the Max Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany. Later, the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank of New York, Standard Oil Corporation and Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum would provide tremendous financial assistance. The largest Factory in the world, the Kama River Truck Factory in Russia was financed in a deal set up by the President of the Export Import Bank, William Casey (later to become Director of the CIA) with the financing supplied by Armand Hammer.

During World War II, the Soviets were considered our Allies and tremendous technical assistance was provided under operation "Lend Lease." During the "Big 3" meetings held between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, Europe was effectively divided up between the West and the Soviets. There can be little doubt that the Soviets were handed every advantage by the Western powers during this time.

In 1990, in the words of President George Bush "the Cold War is over - and we won it!" But how could this have happed without a shot being fired? Soon after this, unexpected turn of events led to our FBI and CIA cooperating with the KGB in exchanging intelligence information. Then, bills were "fast tracked" through Congress to put together a 20 billion dollar Aid package to the newly formed CIS (former USSR) to, in the words of President George Bush, "preserve a fragile democracy." The orchestration of events soon became blatantly obvious to the more intelligent person.

To see why the "Cold War" was a hoax one must look at the secret history of events going on behind the scenes in the unlikely alliance between Capitalist and Communist. The Historical Influence of International Banking gives a concise outline of this history.

The primary purpose of this book is to reveal a little known side of history. This history is about secret societies that are very serious about secrecy because their survival usually depends on it.

I can agree that there are times when secrecy is needed as in military operations and undercover police work. But, when secrecy is used for the wholesale dismantling of our Constitutional government and used to practice thievery on a grand scale as with the Federal Reserve Banking system, when the secrecy is used to impose war and the New World Order on us whether we want it or not. Then, it is time to expose the secret.

Because I write about the Jewish money lenders backing the Zionist cause and the secret illuminati organizations, some will say that my writings are anti-semitic. I would point out that only a very small percent of the Jewish people know the secrets of the illuminati. The revelations of this book are as shocking to them as to many of the rest of us.

I have many Jewish friends and many of them are struggling to pay the bills and raise their families just like the rest of us. They are just as much in the dark about the New World Order as the majority of the people in this country. On the other hand, there are illuminati leaders like Edmond De Rothschild who openly speak of the common man being "cannon fodder" while planning a world only for the enjoyment of the "elite."

Some claim that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were invented to be used as anti-semitic propaganda. I am open to this possibility. However, the Protocols do explain most of the phenomenon that we observe in politics, the economy and the media to day.

The history that is here presented goes a long way towards explaining the present state of world affairs. For example, in the "Dessert Storm" War, which most informed persons understand was really a war over oil, the sole refiner of Kuwait's oil is British Petroleum which is owned by the Rothschilds. The recent flurry of currency devauleations in Asia was being directly manipulated by the International Bankers to give the IMF more lending (and thereby political) leverage in that area of the world.

I respect the Judaic traditions and lore and the right to freely practice one's religion of choice. This with the qualification that no harm should come to another of God's creations in the practice of that religion. While I may not be against Judaism, I am opposed to political Zionism which is very warlike and destructive and is the real source of mideast tension.

The treatment of Palestinians in Israel is as shameful as the white mans's treatment of the Native Americans in the United States. I say this as a white man. I long for the day when all races and all people are treated with respect and dignity everywhere on this planet.

Finally, I am not opposed to a World Government. In fact, I favor one. However, it should represent the wishes of the governed with respect for the sovereignty of the individual (all individuals). It should operate honestly, openly and above board on all issues and it should not garner favor for an elite few.

The present New World Order does none of the above. After reading my book, one can see that The NWO has a very poor track record, which is a fairly good indicator of it's future performance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please read the following essay. It will answer many of your questions: