Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Government and police to monitor all communications and Internet activities of all UK citizens

The government has confirmed that they intend to introduce legislation which will enable them to monitor the telephone calls, e-mails, texts and Internet useage of everyone in the UK. Internet service providers (ISP) will be required to pass information on to the governments monitoring service, GCHQ and to do so in real time. TheOpinionSite.org can also report that the police and other ‘law enforcement agencies’ will not require a warrant to discover with whom you have been communicating, for how long, how often and by what means. Nor will they need a warrant to investigate which websites you have been visiting and how often you visit them.

Read all about it extra extra! Ead all about it. Extra extra!

We in UK are trying to abolish Po-lice state democracies which we think that exists in  other parts of the  world.  The Conservatives , started the Criminal Justice Bill, in 1994. But it did restrict all the alternative life styles. The Squatters, party goers, gypsies etc. Now the so called Liberals are trying to see what we right in our emails. Damn it! I am not a terrorist. I am not a drug dealer or a criminal. But some one reading my private letter to a mate is....ahhhh not quite right. I will have to go back to writing letters. The bleeding power hungry bigots in the parliament are trying to drive us back to the middle ages.

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